Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yellow Lilies

You would think the above photo was of a field of yellow day lilies, right?

Well, they are planted in a fairly small strip  in front of the supermarket I often shop in.

Every time the filled shopping cart is wheeled toward the car, I see these lilies and smile.

It's impossible  not  to!  

They are such harbingers of pure sunshiny loveliness! 

The supermarket managers should be commended for adding such beauty to the lives of every day shoppers!

Hope you have a terrific Saturday from start to finish.



Anonymous said...

These lilies are so cheerful.

We have a small mall in our city and they have caladiums planted in the strips between the parking rows. It's very attractive!

Have a lovely day!

The Old Parsonage said...

Darling and I'd be smiling right there with you. I love to see wildflowers growing along the river trail that we walk on.


Terra said...

Unexpected beauty of flowers in unusual places gives me joy too. Several months ago I posted photos of flowers in my neighborhood growing in cracks in cement. They come back every year; some are California poppies.

Chatty Crone said...

Those are pretty Susan! I think something that looks pretty here and unusual is that in the middle of the expressways they grow wild flowers - all shades of red and pink. It's pretty.

diane.stetson said...

Wherever you drive in my city you will see flowers along the road in between on the middle and all over the place. WE also have purple blossomed trees which are gorgeous while I drive along....such beauty!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

The wild sunflowers in Colorado made me very happy. They were everywhere! Wish I could have brought some back with me. Have a great day. Tammy

Merlesworld said...

Pretty yellow flowers, they just say summer.

Nellie said...

What a cheerful greeting for shoppers! There is a median in one of our oft traveled streets, and flowers have been set out there.

Elaine said...

Nice unexpected surprise. A pop of color at the supermarket. It would make me smile too!

Valerie said...

How beautiful!

agatek said...

But a lot of them! I would do shopping every day to watch it. They are wonderful! Hooray for the supermarket managers!

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