(See the two canoes gliding on the water? Click on any of the images to enlarge.)
The word "twilight" evokes enchanting images.
Viewing such splendor fills a person with deep appreciation for the gift of life, itself.
As daylight dims, calm settles in the land. Birds glide blissfully in the sky, soaring above the gentle ripples of the water.
Soon it will be dark. The lake will be reflecting the silvery ribbons of moonlight.
A lone pink cloud scuttles across the remaining blue sky.
Day is coming to a close.

And thus ends the perfect summers day. Aren't we having glorious weather this year, as opposed to last year? The sunsets have been spectacular!
Oh to be on the lake at that golden moment.
Thanks for taking me to your sunset. Lovely.
Thanks also for stopping by and leaving a comment. No, I've never read Miss Rumphius. I'll have to look for it. Anything with lupines must be beautiful!
Strolling around a lake at sunset is a favorite activity. These photos evoke a feeling of serenity. Thanks, Susan.
Man - I would love to have something like that around here.
It reminds me of being able to breathe - peace - serenity - GOD.
Beautiful and so peaceful.
Susan, these images are so beautiful that I almost can enjoy the twilight as much as you did. Love the shot with the lens flair as the sun breaks on the horizon. Gorgeous!
Beautiful... Twilight brings to my mind Night Hawks hunting on the wing and other night birds readying for their evening activities, Owls, Whipoorwills and Night Herons...
Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low, and the lingering shadows softly come and go....that's a song that I once knew..so appropriate for these pictures...xo
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