Even though every day of life is a gift, some days are extra special and this was one of the best.
It started out with swimming 40 minutes of laps, followed by a one hour aqua aerobics class. Exercise always contributes to feeling fabulous.

Stopped at a farm stand and bought some fresh corn-on-the-cob.
The bummer part of the day came when a lady backed her car into mine while I was stopped to buy sunflowers. Unfortunately, I didn't get her insurance information.
At the time, I felt kind of sorry for her because she was an elderly lady. She sure didn't offer her insurance information and actually drove away rather quickly.
My car's fender has a big fat dent in it. I'm sad about that because I love my car and now I'll probably have to pay for the repair myself. Oh well. I'm glad it wasn't worse, like having the whole door dented.
At the time, I felt kind of sorry for her because she was an elderly lady. She sure didn't offer her insurance information and actually drove away rather quickly.
My car's fender has a big fat dent in it. I'm sad about that because I love my car and now I'll probably have to pay for the repair myself. Oh well. I'm glad it wasn't worse, like having the whole door dented.

Then, made and enjoyed a mostly vegetarian supper. Made a pan of yummy red and green peppers, onions, and mushrooms in olive oil and served that with rice, beans, and sweet corn.
Ended the day with an enchanting walk along a lake as the sun was setting. My heart filled with gratitude to have been given such a beautiful day to remember.
Sounds like a nice day... and I'm glad you didn't let the fender bender ruin it for you... Lovely sunflowers...
You had a lovely day and thoseflowers are so pretty. Sorry for the fender bender.
I agree with Dianne - glad you had a good time in spite of the fender bender.
Love the flowers!
You live the kind of days I can only dream of.
What a wonderful day despite the fender bender! I love those Sun Flowers and your dinner sounds yummy! You sound happy! Nice!!
Exercise is what I need. It really does make me feel so much better,too. You had a beautiful day. Maybe deep inside you wanted to let the lady go.
So sorry 'bout your car... glad that the rest of the day was fab!
Love those sunflowers. That reminds me, a local farmer usually has these at his farm stand.
Happy 4th!
Sorry about your car, but I'm glad you are okay. Love sunflowers, thanks for sharing the pictures:) You've also inspired me; I may need to head out to the farmer's market today!
Have a good weekend,
Those sunflowers are gorgeous! You've give us a wonderful example of not allowing one bad moment to turn into an entire bad day. :)
Susan, I have that book somewhere. I will look for it. Thank-you for your sweetness. I blame alot of my life or lack thereof on my husband. I realize I am a big girl and have the capability to create the life I want. I think I've just read a bunch of blogs lately where there seems to more togetherness in marraiges than I seem to have. I need to look harder at what I do have and be more grateful. Thanks again and God Bless you for caring.
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