Friday, July 9, 2010

Pink Roses on China Delight the Eyes for Show and Tell Friday

If a dream of owning an upscale actual or online what-not shop ever came true, there'd be an entire wall filled with rose-covered china.

There's just something so appealing about roses on china.  No matter how many platters and cups one acquires, there always seems to be room for just one more.

It seems that roses are synonymous with a romantic look.  Even if one's taste in decorating a home  is modern, a vase filled with roses still has great appeal.

The attractive plate shown today is a new  purchase.  It looks old-fashioned, like something someone's grandmother would have on the dining room table at dinnertime. 

There are no markings on it so it might not be worth much, in terms of value, but it's very nice to look at.

When asked the price and was told, "One dollar,"  it became irresistable.  It was actually found in the dollar section of an antiques and used furniture store.

(Be sure to go to Cindy's blog, My Romantic Home to see other Show and Tell Friday offerings.  Her grab button is in the sidebar. Just click it and you will be transported to Cindy's very appealing blog!)
Now, back to dreaming about that shop....



Chatty Crone said...

That is a gorgeous plate. And it was a great deal. And I agree it is romantic. Do you set up your table every night for dinner? sandie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love used trinket shops and can't imagine paying full price for things right now.

kathy taylor said...

I'm a dishaholic. They are indeed romantic and so beautiful. My mom has Old Country Roses. They're total perfection.

Susan said...

What a beautiful plate!!

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

Oh, Susan! The colors are fantastic!
I love roses plates, too!
I have put a few in my guest room--I have found all mine at thrift stores or garage sales.
You and I don't mind if they don't have a pedigree, do we?
We think they look like a million bucks!
Hugs, sweet lady!

Nancy said...

Such a pretty plate - I'd have bought it, too! Our booth is in The Antique Gallery (there's a link on my blog). It's a large beautiful antique mall with over 100 dealers - hard to have a booth there and not shop too! :) Nancy

Lenore said...

The $1 price does make the plate irresistable but the plate is irresistable all on it's own.

Connie said...

Thank YOU for your visit, sweetpea!

That plate is gorgeous. I collect plates but I may have to get rid of some of them. I have waaaaay too many for this house and I doubt I'll get anymore since I'm trying my best to scale down.


Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

How beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

we really have something in common! teehee.. we seems to love roses on dishware! your plate is beautiful! I really love them. I have one similar to yours. thanks for sharing and have a good weekend!

Hold my hand: a social worker's blog said...

Dear Susan,
Thanks for stopping by, and for your kind message.

I found your blog thanks to our dear friend Terri. She is truly an inspiration.

I love your plate, and I was so amazed when you said it was just a buck! I feel that visiting antique shops and flea markets is like going treasure hunting. Wouldn't be interesting to have a post about "treasures" people have found at these shops? :-))


Hootin Anni said...

So, so pretty!!!! And for a dollar? Amazing.

LEGEND OF MARY'S BEAN is my Friday blog.

Have a great weekend.

Cindy said...

That is so pretty! What a great price! I have a hard time passing up plates with roses on them!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

You and me both, love pink flowered plates. And my shop will be opening soon. I'm excited.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Romance on a plate. Yes, I love browsing through all sorts of thrifty/antique shops. Never hurts to look.

Karen said...

Thanks for your visit! I love your dishes. It a.ppears that I enjoy dishes as well as I find that I am collecting them when I'm out browsing through antique and thrifts store. What fun!
Have a great day
Ladybug Creek

Susan said...

Thanks so much for visiting and commenting, ladies. Wonderful to have each of you.

And a warm welcome to Doris from hold my hand; a social worker's blog! She's this blog's 115th Follower! Hi Doris!

Take care, everyone. And for heaven's sake, stay cool! Sincerely, Susan

Holly said...

Your plate is lovely. I search for vintage romantic plates like yours and am using them as a border edege around the garden in my front yard - it gives a nice romantic look.

Charlotte Wilson said...

What a lovely plate and at $1!! My goodness, that is great! So pretty and you are right. Roses do play in the romantic design.


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