Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Doll House Miniature Doll for Cindy's Show and Tell Friday

Hobbies are like sparkling diamonds in the crown of life.

It's really true that it's impossible to be bored when one has hobbies.  During the years when I worked full time, it was hard finding extra minutes for leisure but I tried my darndest.  Now, between jobs, time is still at a premium.

However, probably one of my favorite hobbies is doll house miniatures. Whenever I find something of interest for this little pink abode,  which stands in our dining room, I love buying it and then adding to the decor.

Actually, there are two more doll houses in other parts of the house, both of which need electrical wiring and major revamping. I'm always hopeful the time will come when I can start working on them. When completed , there will be a little doll house neighborhood around here. Right now, I'm hoping to find some electrical wiring kits that are not too expensive.

Imagine how thrilling it was when I came across a tiny dolly that was actually meant to be a Christmas tree decoration. Still in a small box,  I found  her on a thrift store shelf. The price was $3.98, a trifle steep, but I bought her anyway.

A string attached to her head, to enable hanging from a tree branch, got snipped.

She's very tiny, no more than three inches tall, but she's dressed to the gills in pink and white lace. She even has teeny tiny pink shoes. Her dark brown hair is long and curly.

She now sits in the dining room doll house nursery with her cousins.


Be sure to check out Cindy's enchanting blog, My Romantic Home,   to see some of the other entries for Show and Tell Friday. Her blog button is in the sidebar to the right. Click on it and, just like a magic carpet, it will take you to Cindy's blog!


Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

Your doll house is beautiful and so is the doll! I have a Christmas tree just Barbie dolls! My husband buys me a Barbie ornament every year, and I have a few other "girlie" things on it! Have a great weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

You doll house is beautiful Susan - this is funny - my mom had a dollhouse - it was her passion - she had lights in it - carpeted - all the furniture - paintings - etc. You reminder me of her today.

Happy Halloween,

BECKY said...

Oh, I always wanted a doll house like that, and like Sandie described! I used to say I'd have one when I grew up and could buy my own! But then other expenses and hobbies came up! :-)
Two of my present hobbies are greeting card making and reading. *Susan, I mentioned you and your beautiful photos on my blog*

Linda O'Connell said...

My brother made a three story 5'X4' electrically wired doll house for my daughter years ago, but it was too big to transport from Nevada, so he donated it to a church nursery. I hope they are still using it. Yours is a Victorian beauty.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Susan -

Beautiful! I wish my mother and I could see your dollhouses in person.

One of the local craft stores used to carry an array of dollhouses and furniture. We'd always end up in that aisle, admiring everything.

My hobbies are crocheting, gardening, and antiquing. I also have dolls, but I'm no longer actively collecting.

Susan :)

The Old Parsonage said...

What fun, I've been wanting to do a doll house for awhile. Maybe someday if we ever get a grand daughter.

Enjoy yours!

Susan said...

Hi Everybody! Loved reading your comments about my dollhouse. I'm so happy you all enjoyed seeing it.

I want to welcome Carie, this blog's 148th Follower! Hope you come to visit often, Carie.

Happy Halloween to everybody! Have FUN! Hugs to all, Susan

Ann said...

What a wonderful doll and a great hobby. Finding time to do something your self is so precious. I love to garden and taking long walks with my camera.
Happy Weekend

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

What a lovely find she was and just perfect for your lovely pink doll house...I have a blue and white farm house I started yrs ago, but not sure if I will ever get done...Currently it is decorating hubbies workshop hehe.

My current hobby is still doll related but I collect and design for collectible Fashion Dolls...At the moment I am loving the 16inch dolls but have many 12inch (barbie size) also...You can see a couple of my doll fashions on my blog.

I also dabble in gardening, decorating and antiquing...Can you live in the south and not love antiquing? lol


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