Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Live in the Moment

As we dug out from the aftermath of the Big Daddy Blizzard of 2010, it felt like a  blessing  to be able to stay home.

Having worked in numerous jobs for decades of my life, I'm still one of those souls who truly believes that home keeping hearts are happiest. At least my heart is happy when I'm able to spend a day at home in whatever way I please.

Yesterday, because it was cold and blustery, with snow framing our windows like glittery sugar, the fire in the fireplace got started at noon and never waned.  With great joy, I read the huge stack of Christmas cards again as well as holiday newsletters from friends and family, near and far. 

Because Christmas is the only time I hear from some of these dear ones, the newsletters are like candles in the night to me. Some people cannot stand receiving holiday newsletters but I"m not one of them.  It's great to catch up on the news of what each person and his family members have been up to this year.

As the afternoon hours ticked by, I also wrote out a stack of thank you notes for holiday gifts. When a person takes valuable time and effort to select a gift, spend money to buy it,  wrap it, and then present it, I think it's a basic courtesy to acknowledge it with a note. Not everyone would agree with me but that's okay, too. Each to his/her own. It's fulfilling to write out my holiday thank you notes! Expressing gratitude is never a bad thing.

By the time evening came and the night sky replaced the afternoon's brightness, I felt peace and a touch of sadness. The end of each year does that.  No one knows what the new year might bring or even if there will be a "next" Christmas. The key to dealing with these solemn thoughts is to live in each moment. After all, that's all any of us has---"now." 

So I'm going to throw yet another log onto the fire and keep it going until my eyes feel like they have cement lids. These quiet, peaceful moments are very, very precious and special.



Susan said...

Susan, I try to live in the moment each day. But knowing I have to go back to work Wednesday, I am getting depressed.
I want to be able to stay home and be a domestic goddess......LOL.
But at this time I cannot. But hopefully in about four years I will be able to stay home.

Elaine said...

I too think a thank you note is in order when you receive gift but today it is a different time...I often wonder if those I send gifts too even got them as I get no indication that they did... Those of you along the east coast has certainly beem hammered with snow the last few days and here along Lake Michign where I live we have not had any in two weeks...

Keep that fire burning....stay warm

middle child said...

I have to make a conscience effort to do so. It generally involves letting go of my worries and taking a good look around me. And just a word about living in the moment, if I may. You also must be present and experience the monents that are less than pleasant. There is always something to learn. Peace.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Susan: We do think so much alike. We should have been sisters. Have a wonderful week dear friend. Hugs, Martha

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Living in the moment is something I need to work on,( maybe a resolution this year ). I believe I live in the moment in spurts through out the year. Its a conscious effort for me.

BECKY said...

Hi Susan! I thought of you during the big blizzard! I'm so happy for you that you are able to be at home and I'm so grateful that I can do that, too. I agree with Martha....we could've been sisters! I feel a little sad at the end of the year, too, but I try to live in the moment as well. I'm so happy that I met you in blogland! May we all have a beautiful, blissful year of 2011!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hey Susan, my best living in the moment times are those days when pajamas are all I need and I can steer the direction of my day in whichever way I please. That's what I've done the past two days. But today I must get out and about. I think thank you's in any shape or form are an absolute must. So many don't seem to follow through with that simple gesture anymore. Gratefulness in each and every day is a simple blessing we can all be a part of. wishing you peace, joy, love and warmth! Happy day. Tammy

Chatty Crone said...

You know there are times in life that you go thru - that you have no choice, but to stop and live in the moment. You can then chose what outlook you ae going to have when going thru it.


diane stetson said...

I live in the moment all the time. I'm so grateful for all that God has bestowed on me! Best wishes for a wonderful 2011!

The Old Parsonage said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Warm wishes for all the best in 2011!


Linda O'Connell said...

I usually live in the moment but my thoughts are a moment, day, or a week ahead. Hope you're staying warm.

Roz said...

Hi Susan, What a beautiful post of your thoughts on Christmas! I feel the same way that you do about being at home and also about the tad bit of sad feelings once it is over. This year was more emotional for me because my kids live so far away from us and I have a very hard time saying goodbye for another year! You had asked about my valences in some of the photos on my blog. I told a seamstress what I wanted and she made them. You may even like the valences in the dining room that are in today's post. I picked out all of the fabric from a fabric store in Greenville, SC. Sadly, they are all discontinued now as textile plants close down in the US and have gone overseas. I wish I had purchases extra fabric. I'll have to remember that in the future! I hope that you have a most wonderful New Year! Roz

Debbiedoos said...

I do live in the moment...but worry about the future sometimes, if that makes sense. What a heartfelt written post. I always get a little down after the holiday, and I think that is why I decided to do a fashion show lol...just being silly I guess. Happy New Year to you and your family.

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