Every so often, it's nice to schedule an "at home" day.
Most days I'm away from the house for swimming at a local indoor pool, errands, trips to the supermarket, pharmacy, and so on. Some weeks, looking at the calendar, it's easy to see I haven't been home a single day. Is it like that for you, too?
So an "at home" day allows chilling out in familiar surroundings, getting caught up with chores like polishing furniture and dusting, and checking things off a daily "to do" list in a leisurely manner.
Recently, I had an "at home" day. It was great because it rained intermittently and the weather was dark and gloomy outside.

It seems like just yesterday the alarm clock was ringing at 5:30 a.m. signaling that it was time to get ready for the start of a 7:30 a.m. workday. I'm glad those days are long gone.
About six days worth of newspapers stood in a tall pile, waiting to be read. After a nice breakfast and two cups of Columbian coffee, I grabbed a handy pair of scissors, slipped on my reading glasses, and got to it.
The doorbell rang at one point and it was a friend who's a young mom. She came to visit with her almost one-year-old who also happens to be my godchild so there was a one hour break from newspaper reading.
After they left, it was actually fun to spray lemon furniture polish on the furniture in the living room and rub it until it shone. Also dusted the library bookshelves, made up the bed in the guest room, and completed a bunch of other chores.
A crystal based lamp got hauled into the kitchen for a nice wash with dish detergent and warm water to help it sparkle.
On and on went the day and my heart felt so filled with gratitude to have such an opportunity. Being in good health, of course, is the greatest gift of any day. Getting caught up on chores makes a person feel good. Cleaning in the house also makes me happy.
So the "at home" day turned out just great. All the papers got read and clipped, meals were made, furniture polished, library shelves dusted, and each and every moment was savored.
Maybe it would be good idea to schedule an "at home" day every time it rains.
I love days at home, especially rainy ones when it is so quite. The simple joy of slowing down and enjoying even the simplest things.
Your day sounded delightful and I used to have some of those, but now hubby is retired and they are only a memory! :)
Maybe I'll have some when I retire. Right now it's only on weekends and those are pretty much filled up too. Oh well, glad you are enjoying your retirement Susan!
I sure do but I call them pajama days which is just what I had yesterday! I barely moved from my loveseat -- blogging and crocheting. I got out the furniture polish but didn't get very far with that. I did make vege soup, cornbread and bean salad. It's dusty out today. Not sure if we will venture out or if I will just stay in pajamas again. I love days of piddling. Have a terrific Thursday. Tammy
I love my home, but I have the wanderlust gene. I have to go somewhere everyday, anywhere for a little while, and then I am happier when I RETURN TO MY HOME. I am not a home body; I get restless thinking of things I would like to do, places I'd like to be. When I have nowhere to actually be, I go to the thrift stores :)
I love staying at home and to schedule a day at home would be a dream come true - however it has to be in mid-August! I love your home and your day. I do like to go out too though - I have wings.
I love being home and sometimes have to push myself to get out more :) But in spite of being home, my furniture wouldn't know what to do with a SHINE!
I see the lampshade similar to mine on one of your pictures. (Mine is not patterned like yours....) And do I see a violin case - or is it a banjo???? Do you play?
I love at home days! But I rarely have them. Working full time, and using the weekends to run errands I cannot accomplish on weekdays, end up having me running around every-single-day. Just thinking about it makes me tired. And considering I haven't had vacations in, what, 10 years or more, is exhausting. Such is the life I was chosen to live. I do try to take the most out of it, and cannot complain, but I do appreciate every other public holiday, when I know I will stay home and enjoy my comfy surroundings, with my mother and my dogs. Those are the happy days :o)
Glad you enjoy your at home day!
Have a great day!
Oh, my new friend and follower. I am so glad you dropped by to visit, My Old Historic House. I am you're newest follower and hope we will cross paths real soon. Thanks, Richard
I love home days! Sometimes I get a lot done --- and other days I just revel in the quiet and putter from here to there. They are the best!
I love "home days" especially when it is raining. Reading,catching up on the blogs I love, creating, watching a good girl flick are all things I consider. I am so glad you had a delightful "home day". Clean white sheets, oh yes!http://everydaylifeblessings.blogspot.com/
Well since most days are "home days" for me......I STILL LOVE em!! I have to say I'm not nearly as productive as you are *winks* I like to think of dust as patina lol! But there's nothing like a quiet morning to ones self and a good cup of coffee and the paper. Thanks so much for stipping by my blog. I'm your newest follower. Vanna
At home days are the best. I'm retired, but I still remember what a treat it was to have the day off, and spend it totally at home.
Hello Everyone!
Sending out a double warm welcome to this blog's 234th and 235th Followers.
They are Richard Cottrell from My Old Historic House and Vanna from Delusions of Grandeur. Check out both of those blogs. Chances are, you will love them.
Sending hugs to all, Susan
Hi Susan! Ahhh,yes...I love the kind of day you described! In fact, I think I blogged about that not too long ago, too! I'm very grateful that I have many days at home, but often they are not THAT perfect! I'm going to strive for more!
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