Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Daisy Lore: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

While practicing the banjo last night, the song "Bicycle Built for Two" came to mind

It starts with,
                     "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer true."

Remember that one? "I'm half crazy, all for the  love of you" and on and on.

It's a sweet song that old-timers usually love to sing. In the song, of course, Daisy is a girl's name, instead of a flower.

Daisies, themselves, are among my favorite simple flowers.  Don't you just love them?  They are so cheerful and pretty and they last a long time, too.

When we were kids, we always plucked them over some boys we liked. "He loves me, he loves me not."  It was always such a bummer when the last petal was "He loves me not."  Usually, I just tossed that daisy and would start all over again.  Ha! That cracks me up thinking about it.

One of my all time favorite garden books is "Garden Flower Folklore" by Laura C. Martin. Oh, it's filled with fabulous information about dozens of flowers.

Regarding daisies, did you know that the name daisy came from "day's eye" and dated all the way back to the time of Chaucer?  It was said, according to Ms. Martin, that daisies cured eye problems.

Here's a sad tale to tell pertaining to daisies, according to the book.  An ancient Celtic legend notes that daisies came from the spirits of children who died at birth.  The legend says that God sprinkled daisies to cheer grieving parents.

Ms. Martin also wrote that daisies are the flowers of April.  In Victorian times, they symbolized innocence.

Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know whether any of the folk tales about daisies are true or not. I just like these flowers!  A vase filled with daisies on the kitchen table, placed on top of a colorful doily,  makes me happy and I smile when looking at their sweet faces.

Here's hoping today you have a daisy kind of day!



Victorian1885 said...

I love daisies! Thank you for the daisy lesson..


Annesphamily said...

I love daisies! They are so sweet and cheerful! Great post and now that song is in my head! Hee Hee! Enjoy the week! Anne

Kit said...

Daisies are my favorite flower! They are simple and as Meg Ryan says in "You've Got Mail", they are a friendly flower. Love your pic at the top. Just so pretty! Kit

diane stetson said...

WE have tons of Shasta Daisies here where I live ...they are very colorful. I remember playing with daisies in my youth too Susan.

Linda O'Connell said...

Love that song as amuch as the daisies, Susan.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Love daises and so do my rabbits. I transplanted my Shasta Daisies to my new berm and they are gone! I really hope there are some roots under the soil and will return next year.

I do remember the little 'he loves me' as well as the song. Do you play the banjo? Awesome! My dad played the banjo in the Philadelphia Mummers Parade in the 40's. Our daughter, Jamie still has his banjo!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I do like Daisies and they are my Sara's favorite flower.

Rebecca said...

Yes, I ♥ daisies (and am still hoping to own/cultivate a particular kind I've seen called "Rebecca daisies").

And I ♥ doilies, too :) Your multi-colored one here is quite beautiful.

Chatty Crone said...

My mom used to sing that to me when I was little - I sang it to my daughter - I love Daisies! Yours are pretty!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

You play the banjo??? How fun! Wish I had learned to play the guitar; much easier to carry around than a piano, but I don't play that either. HA!

Your daisies sure are pretty on that doily. Interesting folk tales, too. Hope your day is great. Tammy

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