Thursday, August 4, 2011

Simple Summertime Pleasure: Night Skies

The other night, while driving home from a lecture, I received an unexpected gift.

The sky to my left looked like a gigantic artist's canvas.  Someone had swirled gentle strokes of light pink and gold across the horizon. 

Driving the car to the side of the road, signal lights on,  I sat and looked at the masterpiece. 

A sliver of the moon hung alone in the heavens.

I don't know about you, but seeing such intense beauty, makes me cry.  Such a gift overwhelms me and fills my heart with incredible gratitude to be alive.

Soon the sun slipped down below the horizon and towering trees became silhouettes against the sky.

God, our Father, is such an amazing artist. He makes our world so magnificent.

Today we are joining Dayle's Simple Pleasures of Summer weekly party from A Collection of This and That.

HAVE YOU RECEIVED AN UNEXPECTED GIFT RECENTLY?                                                               


Chatty Crone said...

You know Susan I was just talking about this to someone else - but when you see the beauty around you like that - and feel the vastness of the world - it just gets you so in touch with God. This was an unexpected gift from you!

Gayle said...

Nothing restores me - mentally, physically, and spiritually - like the Master's heavenly handiwork.

Christine said...

Great pictures.
Your view is so wide open, no disruptions.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Great minds think alike Susan as my post today is quite similar to yours. Have a beautiful day! Hugs, Tammy

Dawn said...

i feel llke my eyes are always to the sky. the brilliant blues make me feel alive! and the sweeping colors at sunset & sunrise move my soul. i take each as a gift from the One who created all. i love that you pulled over to the side of the road!!!

Rebecca said...

In a similar vein, just over a week ago we got to see a rainbow. The timing couldn't have been better. The sight filled my heart.

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Susan,
Your sunset photos are beautiful. The soft swirls in the sky give an air of serenity and calm. I love it.I'm glad you stopped.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I feel the same....when I stand and look up and see the awesomeness of His beauty. Your photos are beautiful.

Bookie said...

Such lovely pictures and with refreshing thoughts!

Debbie said...

I feel the exact same way when I catch just a glimpse such a sight in creation. Can you just imagine something, someONE so awesome that sights like that are mere extensions of his Glory? Knocks my socks off, and I agree that this was a wonderful simple pleasure.

Debbie said...

Ooops. Forgot to tell you that your photos were beautiful. I was overwhelmed by the subject of them.

Karen said...

It makes you feel special when you see something like this ~ kinda like God painted it just for you~. Joining you at Simple Pleasures.

diane stetson said...

I saw a magnificent red sunset in Venice last week and I hope I can get the picture of it up soon. I love God's creations..they always give me a sense of peace and serenity.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Susan, I can so relate. I often cry when I witness such splendor in the sky. It makes me feel so small and so grateful that the same God who created this beautiful earth loves me. Awesome!

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Morning Susan,
I so agree with you, the skies so declare the majesty of the Lord...........
Last week as I was driving to a friends house I
saw this dark dark cloud with the sun shining from behind, and made a silver lining all around those dark clouds, and I thought thank you Lord for reminding me that every dark cloud in my life always has a silver lining because of you!
Was soooo wishing I had my camera with me!!
God paints masterpcs. every day just to encourage and thrill us.

blessings, Nellie

Kay K said...

God is awsome in all the beauty ..what a grand artist HE is !!!!

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