Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stargazer Lilies---Fragrant and Fabulous



       One of my all time favorite flowers in the whole wide world is the Stargazer Lily.
      Honestly, the first time I walked into a room and smelled its exotic and sensuous fragrance, it was a powerful experience. 

      Just one stargazer can fill a room with the absolute loveliest of perfume.   

      Even the name is beautiful, isn't it?  Stargazer. What image does that conjure up for you?  Imagine looking up to the heavens and seeing a host of twinkling stars, as far as you can see.

      Stargazers are in the Oriental lily family.  According to Wikipedia, (and what would we do without Wikipedia? That website knows a little about everything!),  Leslie Woodriff, a Californian lily breeder, created stargazers in 1978.

      This lily is a dazzler, a showpiece, and has spectacular blooms in my absolute favorite color, pink.

      Imagine how I felt when I saw the vase, pictured above, filled with stargazers and placed in front of a mirror?

        It was in an upstairs hallway in the mansion of the late Edith Wharton. (Sorry, got some tourist's ear on the right hand side of the photo.)

      Edith Wharton was a writer who lived for about 9 years in Western Massachusetts.  Then, she left for France and never returned. She is buried in Versailles.

     Wish I had a stargazer in a vase near my computer right now.



Unknown said...

OMG yes I am and I love the picture. I saw the picture before I even read anything and they are beautiful. Stargazers are my favorite flower and I find them both apperance and fragrance very exotic.....it is nice to meet you. And I too wish I had one right by my computer right now...have a good night....

diane stetson said...

I thought these looked like calia lilies...is there a difference? I love the smell of them. I have a Yankee Candle with that scent too.

Bookie said...

The flowers are gorgeous...wonder if you have read any Wharton yourself? I did not know she died in France.

Vicki said...

What a beautiful post!

Chatty Crone said...

No I am not, but I love this picture and the flowers and in front of the mirror they doubled in size. Gorgeous!

Susan (Between Naps On The Porch.net) said...

Beautiful flowers! Really amazing!

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