Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Merci" for the Giveaway Gift

When Mo, from Rose Petals from Heaven, ever told me I won her giveaway package, you could have knocked me over with a feather.

Rare, rare, rare is the time I win anything at all.  (Oh! Come to think of it, I won a giveaway on Sandie's Chatty Crone blog this summer, too, so it's inaccurate to say I never ever win.)

However, you  can imagine how exciting it was when the latest giveaway package arrived on our doorstep. I put it on the kitchen counter and started to rip it open. Stopping, I  grabbed my camera, and took some shots.

What good is opening a giveaway package without sharing it with my blog buddies?  No good at all.

Mo had attached a sweet bag of potpourri and very festive ribbons.  She also added a note to me.

Inside was the beautiful sign with angels that reads "Angel Kisses" in French. Tres bien!

Merci, merci,  dear Mo, for such loveliness.

Blog World, I love you!  Fellow bloggers, love you, too, and I wish you many angel kisses!



diane stetson said...

Magnafique! Sorry but I have no idea how to spell French..I've never won anything.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a sweet gift and it is perfect for a sweet person like you! I have been very blessed to win a few giveaways and I am always so thrilled and excited when they arrive! hugs, Linda

Susan said...

Like Linda, I have been blessed to win a few give aways! I just recently won a beautiful table runner from Mudpies and Marigolds!

Linda O'Connell said...

Well now doesn't that look fun, and pretty too. I have won a couple of books off other blogger's sites. Have a great day.

mo said...

Hi Susan,

I am so glad it arrived in one piece.

Your pictures are great. Thanks for blogging about the win.

As you know, I have been very fortunate in the blog world in winning goodies. Because I have won yours too!



Bookie said...

Cngrats...It is always fun to be a winner!
I was a blog winner in your own give away! Nearly time again to bring out that turkey you sent.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Susan - that looks so perfect for you - so sweet and I love the pastels. Congrats.

Love you, sandie

Richard Cottrell said...

Oh Susan, I take a shower and I use what every I can find, I have been known to use Murphy's Oil Soap, ain't that just like a man. Thanks for stopping by my blog, my Old Historic House, and leaving such a sweet comment. Richard

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