Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall, Halloween, and Candy Corn!

Fall brings brilliantly hued leaves, cooler temperatures, scarecrows, pumpkins, and candy corn!

What would fall be without any of those?  As soon as we see chrysanthemums in the supermarket, we also spot bags filled with the tri-colored, sweet-as-the-dickens candy corn.

Did you know that candy corn has been around for a long, long time?  Yep, since the 1880s when George Renninger of the Wunderle Candy Company in Philadelphia made the first batch.  In those days, everything was done by hand so it must have been a big undertaking to produce tri-colored candies in the shapes of corn kernels.

According to Wikipedia (thanks,Wikipedia for all your help on almost every subject under the sun), the National Confectioners Association estimated a total of 20 million pounds of candy corn are sold annually.

That is more than 9000 tons of the sweet confection!  Whew doggie, that's a lot of sugar folks.

Here's a warning, though. Anyone who has a sweet tooth, watch out. Having candy corn around is like having that brand of potato chips where the advertising campaign says, "Betcha can't eat one." 

Same with candy corn. That's why the candy corn in our house is under a glass cover.  That prevents random eating, just because the candy is there.  Candy corn is just another sweet aspect of autumn.



Unknown said...

Hiya Susan! I got something for you to try. Take two pieces of candy corn and 1 peanut and eat them at the same time. Oh my goodness, it is MARVELOUS! It taste just like a payday candy bar. Last year went I went to visit my parents, my sister had those in a dish and I loved it. I'm so glad you posted that as I need to get to the store and buy some.

diane stetson said...

Sorry..not one of my favorites at all...I like REAL CORN though on the cob with lots of butter..ha ha ha.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I don't like candy corn but aren't they perfect decoration for fall? My daughter is a big fan of the stuff.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Give me farm fresh sweet corn any day. I used to eat candy corn but now it is way too sweet for my liking. Plus, we don't ever seem to get Halloween candy around here anymore. At least I haven't seen any yet, and I need some treats to fill my little crocheted baskets with. Will have to settle for Herhey's Kisses if nothing else comes along. Happy day to you, Tammy

Veronica said...

Diane is so right! Candy Corn and yummy! Time to go and get a couple of bags! Thanks for the reminder

Karen Lange said...

I had to smile when I saw the candy corn. My daughter loves it! I like a few pieces and then I am good till the next year. :) I like your idea of the glass cover. I need to do that with my chocolate!
Happy Thursday,

Rebecca said...

We DO like candy corn - especially enjoy the combination of lightly salted peanuts with candy corn! And especially at this season.

I don't know if this is accurate or not, but I heard that candy corn is the only candy that has never advertised!

Chatty Crone said...

Are you kidding - we all LOVE candy corn - it doesn't love me all that well though. teehee sandie

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