Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Swan Song

Swans are among the most graceful of creatures.

They have such a regal appearance. 

If one could choose what to be in another life, I think I'd pick being a swan.

Honestly, I don't know very much about them but have always liked looking at them.

 They literally seem to glide along the surface of whatever body of water they are on.

One of my very dearest friends has a swan collection. The swans shown in this post are hers. Aren't they adorable?

 Now, if I didn't already have wayyyyyy too many collections, that'd be a nice one to start.

Here's a scene out side my beloved friend's window! Real swans. Imagine that!



diane stetson said...

Stephanie has a pic of swans near her place of abode this week on her site too Susan. I've always loved "Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I don't know much about them but I do have one nice wooden one I got at a craft fair years ago and it sits now on a shelf in my hallway. :) Have a lovely day. Tammy

Rebecca said...

They ARE pretty and usually quite serene-looking (except when they "share" territory with Canada geese. They can be quite nasty. They don't share!)

This IS a charming collection. And I DO know what you mean about not needing to start any more collections!

Linda O'Connell said...

We saw a flock of swans land in the back waters of a river near us. They were migrating in winter. It was an odd and awesome sight.

Terri Tiffany said...

Nothing at all! But yours are lovely, I know they live in a downtown lake in Orlando and someone once stole some of them but were caught--I guess they are pretty protected there.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Lovely post! I have a piece I display in our bedroom of a pair of swans. I love it.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know a whole lot about swans other then they are gorgeous in the lake - so white and so delicate.

I know they bite.

And that piece of glass in the first picture - behind the swans - that is my favorite color - my bedroom is full of that color!


Bookie said...

Pretty collection and interesting subject. I know little about swans.

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Your collection is very nice but the real swans are gorgeous! I also know very little about swans except for the "Ugly Duckling" story.

Richard Cottrell said...

I know I have always wanted some and a pond for them to swim in. I think they are one of God's most beautiful creations. Richard from My old historic House.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

Your friends collection is lovely. I know very little about swans other than they are beautiful to look at.

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