Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sweet Honey of a Cat

It never ceases to amaze me how smart cats can be.

My dear pet, Honey Cat, is a very old grandmother cat.  Born in the desert of the southwestern part of the United States, she came cross-country with me.

 I carried her on the plane in a special case, tucked under the seat in front of me. She was not a happy flyer. She made horrible noises, scratched, and caused a minor commotion for most of the six hour flight. It was a nightmare that I'd just as soon forget.

But there was no way I was going to leave my beloved kitty behind. Her anti-flying antics just had to be put up with.

Every night before bed, this sweet cat follows a ritual. She begins to follow me around the house when it's almost time to turn in. Almost as soon my body hits the bed, Honey Cat jumps up and lays on my bosom, her chin to my chin.

She waits for her "scratch."  I gently scratch her under her chinny chin chin, behind her ears, and so on. She immediately closes her eyes and luxuriates in the attention.

After she gets her fill of being "scratched," she jumps off the bed and retreats to another bedroom for the night.

Today she is sick. The vet wants me to bring her in to get an injection of antibiotics. An appointment  has been set. 

When I think of what it would be like to lose my Honey Cat, tears fill my eyes. Those thoughts are just dreadful and horrid. I cannot bear the thought of losing this dear, sweet animal. She's a part of my children's childhoods. She's a part of me.

So tomorrow, off to the vet we go. I'm so glad she can be helped.

Once you love an animal, life is never again the same. A pet ceases your heart and squeezes it, settles down next to it,  climbs in, and there she stays forever more.



Rose Petal Hollow said...

She is adorable... I have five cats =)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So true how a pet becomes such an important part of our lives and fills our hearts with love and affection. Hope Honey Cat feels all better after the trip to the vet!

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

I have my gorgeous black lab Bella. I know how you feel. I absolutely am in love with her. She is sweet, funny, and full of life. I hope Honey Cat feels better soon.

Bj said...

I hope your Honey Cat is just fine today. My Kiki lived to be almost 18 years-she was a calico and just the best cat! Since then we have had two Bichon Frise, Murphy lived to 17-1/2 and not we have Dulee, both of them were rescue dogs.
I'm at my daughter's right now and she has two cats. I had forgotten about their independent spirits and quirks! Love em.

Dianne said...

I have my Fred. He's a schnoodle dog... a cross between a schauzer and a poodle. He was a rescue dog. He's like my shadow and when I go out of town he waits by the door and mopes around until I get back.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love my Charlie kitty very much so I know exactly how you feel. I hope Honey is OK and you also. It's a very sad thing to loose a pet. hugs to you, Linda

Bookie said...

I so understand...hope all goes well for you and her tomorrow!!! Oh that is today...ah well, you know....

diane stetson said...

I had Tina cat for 18 years. Now I am without a pet but that's ok. I do hope your cat is feeling better...she's already had at least 8 lives.....

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh Honey is so cute and sweet. I know how you feel with Disco and we haven't even had him two years. Sad they don't live longer.

I am glad the vet can help.


Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

I know the feeling, Susan. I've never been a cat person, but we had one many years ago. She was the only cat I loved and saying goodbye to her was almost unbearable. Same can be said for the Collie my daughter grew up with. That is why I didn't want another pet, but we do and I'm already attached to him.

All best wishes to your beautiful Honey.

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