Sunday, October 9, 2011

Gentle Creatures: Cows

There's something about seeing cows in a pasture that's special.

Maybe it's the gentleness of these creatures or the pastoral places they reside. 

Seeing cows makes me want to stop my car, get out, and lean my elbows on a fence to get a better look at them.

As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I did, in order to take the photos in today's post. These were Western Massachusetts cows.

Once, when I was a kid, we visited a house where the people had cows.  There was an old barn and inside was ol' Bessie herself.  An old man with very blue eyes sat on a stool milking her.  It amazed me to see the milk squirting into a pail.

Later, he asked me if I wanted a sip of it.  It didn't taste like the milk I was used to and I didn't like it.

The memory of that day, however, with the smell of hay inside the barn, remains very vivid, even after all the decades that have gone by.

Today, I hope your day is blessed, filled with memory-making moments.



diane stetson said...

Sure have...I took my first Kindergarten class to Green Meadows farm and we all got to milk the cow..the teachers too. It was such fun.

Elaine said...

Your cow pictures bring back memories. I lived on a farm for fifteen years. We would go to the barn to pet the cows or watch our father milk them sometimes he would squirt a barn cat with mild to make us laugh.
Thanks for sharing it today

Bookie said...

When I was so young I can barely remember it, I was on a family ride when we saw a car pulled over taking a picture of milk cows! I was dumbfounded as to why. I remember my dad said it was New Jersey plates and maybe they were from a city and had never seen a cow before. Now I know a hundred reasons why someone would take a picture of cows; I have done it myself...but then, I couldn't believe it!

Rebecca said...

My father was a dairy farmer the firs few years of my life. I have vague memories of the barn & milking process. Can't say I've ever milked a cow personally though :)

I so agree about the beauty of a pastoral scene. Actually, we just remarked about one this week as we were driving slowly to take in the autumn colors. In the foreground there was a field of black cattle that dotted the orange/red/yellow background. Breath-taking!

Linda O'Connell said...

I remember counting cows when I was little as we traveled. Nothing cuter than a newborn calf.

Linda O'Connell said...

figured out the comment problem. You have to sign in on the blog first and then it will accept comments. Give it a try.

Dianne said...

I've never milked one, but as a child, I spent a good bit of time at a dairy farm in Georgia. I used to like to feed the calves. And one of the farming family used to scare me, by showing me the big needle he used to innoculate them.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I see my Aunt Elaine stopped by to visit you. :) One of my best friends was a 4-Her who showed cows -- she remembers drinking warm fresh milk. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like it. Mine needs to be ice cold and I only drink it in my morning coffee, on cereal or oatmeal, or with a peanut butter sandwich or brownies or chocolate chip cookies. Hmmm ... that's a lot of only's -- Ha! Hope your day is great. Tammy

Chatty Crone said...

I was looking at your title - sows - how simple - but really not so. Memories - pictures and thoughts all come up.

Yes I would milk a cow not sure about drinking it.

Love, Sandie

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