Monday, February 6, 2012

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Everyone familiar with the children's fairy tale, "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" remembers the question put to the mirror and its implication, right?

"Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?"

Mirrors have been around for a long time.  They play an important part in decorating.

I don't think a home can ever have too many mirrors. They add so much to a decor. If placed opposite a window, they bring in more light.

Some people have mirror collections and hang numerous mirrors together on a wall.

The mirror shown in this post came from an upscale gift shop.  Of course, regular readers know I rarely pay full price for anything.

  This mirror was on the porch of the shop during an end-of-summer sale.

The shape of the mirror is what appealed to me. It almost had a chapel look to it. 

When I saw the $10 price tag, down from a lot more, it was a done deal.

Today, it hangs in the living room.  See the lovely Victorian doll it reflects?  She's one of my absolute favorites.

A very dear, life-long friend gave her to me. By the way, she's another bargain shopper and a savvy one at that!  She paid $10 for this beauty.



Heirloom treasures said...

Yes I do have lots of mirrors,but none as beautiful as your churchy one it's beautiful,and i can't believe the price. We would certainly not get one like it here for that price. Neither the beautiful Victorian lady.
x jeanetteann

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I definitely have mirrors in every room -- except the kitchen. Only few are actually used -- the rest are just for decorative purposes. :) Have a wonderful week. Tammy

Linda @ A La Carte said...

That is a gorgeous mirror. I only have a few in my home. I do like them though. hugs, Linda

diane stetson said...

I just have mirrors in the hallways and bed and bath. I try to go by them really quickly if you know what I mean. Ha ha!

Susan said...

Happy Monday, everyone! Thank you so much for stopping by.

Welcome to this blog's 267th Follower! I don't know who you are----sad but true----but I'm happy you decided to Follow. Are you incognito? ha ha!

Take care, everyone, and have a super Monday. Hugs to all, Susan

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Mirror, and the doll also ^_^
Hope you're having a great day!


Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

That's a gorgeous mirror and such a lovely doll! I don't have enough mirrors right now. Time to find some good deals! Have a great week!

Chatty Crone said...

That was a beautiful doll! And you have a lot of nice mirrors - I have mirrors and try not to look at them! teehee sandie

Grandma Linda's Daydreams said...

Oh my goodness, Yes, I do have lots of mirrors, a vintage collection right in the livingroom! But yours is really splendid! I just found your beautiful blog and I will now follow!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Linda @

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