Friday, March 2, 2012

Goodwill Goody from Spain

While on an excursion to a Goodwill Store to help a friend find some needed items for a new apartment,  I spotted it. 

It was a wonderfully made primarily blue and white decorative plate. It also had touches of bright yellow and tiny bits of green and red.

Displayed on a table right inside the front door, I picked it up.  The plate's pattern was very pleasing to the eye.

Turning it over,  I read that it was from Spain.  It even had a wire attached, so it was ready to hang on the wall!

While the plate appealed tremendously, I didn't need another decorative plate for our home. You know that old argument of "want" versus "need,"  right?

Returning to that table a half dozen times,  I kept looking at and picking up the plate from Spain. The usual questions popped into my brain.

"Did someone bring this plate back to the USA while on vacation in Spain?"

"Why did someone finally give away such a lovely item?"

"How much would this cost in the country where it was made?"

"Who hand painted it?"

Finally, I placed the decorative plate in my shopping cart. It was quite a bargain at  $6.50.

When I got to the register, the girl rang up my purchase at $3.25.

"What?" I gasped. 

"Oh, everything on that front table is half-price," the clerk said.

It would have been easy to dance all the way out to the parking lot! 

And so,  I found the perfect spot on the kitchen wall for the lovely plate from Spain.

Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove and Show and Tell Friday on Cindy's blog, My Romantic Home.



Lady Linda said...

Oh Susan...I have just looked at your recent blogs and I love them ALL. I love thrift store shopping too. You can probably tell, I can't leave special finds at the store when I find them!
Your Home Sweet Home sign with the green glass is absolutely stunning! LOVE LOVE LOVE it, but them I love all your goodies and your lovely and fun blog.

Heirloom treasures said...

Amazing find,love it,love it,love it.
I have a few pretty things from Spain,but nothing like your little treasure. It obviously was waiting for you. I believe that things choose us not us them. I have even seen things I think are gorgeous and reasonably priced,only to walk out thinking I really don't need any more.
Then going back a week, maybe even two later only to see the item waiting for me. I think we always regret the things we never buy,not the things we do.
Enjoy your lovely find.
x jeanetteann

diane.stetson said...

What a pretty plate. I'd like to go to Spain. I have a lovely shawl that my sister brought me from that country. I like things from different countries don't you?

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I would have picked up that beautiful plate too. Lovely design and the perfect color combo. I know you were hootin and hollerin on the inside when it rang up half price. Have a great day! Tammy

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Susan,
The beautiful Spanish plate was meant for you.Half price...even better.
I love Thrift shop browsing.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

Linda O'Connell said...

You do have a knack for finding treasures.

Debbie said...

I guess it depends on how bad I want it...and how much money I have in my purse.

Susan said...

Hi Everybody!

How wonderful you stopped by. Love your visits, one and all.

We have a 277th Follower but I don't know who you are or where you are from. There is no way to identify.

Please let me know if you are Following so I can give you a proper "toot, toot, toot, toot, toot TOOT" welcome.

In any event, hope each of you has a fabulous Friday! Susan

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

Hi Susan!
I love when I find something I want and find out at the checkout that it's even less! I love that! Thanks so much for your visit and such nice comments! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

How lucky are you!

Anonymous said...

This plate is so beautiful - beautifully painted!
I love those surprises when you get to the counter and it turns out to be a bargain :)
Have a lovely Weekend!


Chatty Crone said...

$3.25?????????? You got great deal - I love that plate. Just absolutely love it. sandie

Heaven's Walk said...

WOW, Susan! What a great find! GW and the ReStore are my new favorite haunts now! :)

xoxo laurie

Susan said...

This is an awesome Goodwill Find!!

Diann said...

Oh, I wouldn't have been able to pass up this plate either! It is so pretty and such a fun design!Thank you so much for joining us at TTF this week! Have a fantastic day!

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