Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Paddy's Day To All

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you Irishmen and Irishwomen out there!

May the spirit of St. Patrick's Day fill your heart with happiness even if you are not Irish!

I hope your day is absolutely splendid!

Today, a dear friend, Chris,  agreed to let me show you pictures of her new lamp! 

 Honestly, it's soooooo lovely.

 I just couldn't wait for you to see it.

Now Chris is the same friend who redecorated her tree after Christmas, giving it a Victorian look. She's left it up in an alcove of her home. If you are interested, and missed it, you can read about it here:    

Anyway, Chris said she saw the lamp while out shopping one day, thought about buying it, didn't, but then, eventually did! It's ceramic with designs and hundreds of little peek-a-boo spaces.

Talk about charming, this lamp is a winner.

On her kitchen table, she keeps these lemons in a glass holder.

Just look at these gorgeous lilies on her dining room table. Their fragrance was so intoxicating and they were so beautiful to look at, that upon leaving her house, my car swing right into the supermarket parking lot.  Imagine that! 

I went right in and bought two bouquets of lilies for the kitchen table and have been swooning ever since. 

Many thanks to Chris for letting me share these lovely images from her home!



Anonymous said...

I love that lamp! I’m headed over to check out the christmas tree.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a lovely lamp! I love the bowl of lemons on the table. I don't always have a centerpiece but try to have some sort of vignette there! Hugs to you Susan, Linda

Victorian1885 said...

What a beautiful lamp indeed! Thank you both for sharing.. have a good weekend and Happy Saint Paddy's Day!

Kit said...

Wow, what a great lamp! I love it! On our dining table is always a big glass blue and green bowl with 3 wooden balls that are red with white polka dots. Can you imagine? Kit

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful lamp, it's really gorgeous. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too my friend!


diane.stetson said...

Happy St. Patrick's day. Patty's lamp is the pizazz! I keep a bowl of fruit on my kitchen table at all times..mostly green apples..yum!

Pearl said...

I absolutely love that lamp shade. Wow. I'll have to keep my eye out for one for myself -- it would be perfect in my living room...


Chatty Crone said...

I love all your lamps and your table center pieces. I'm stopping by to say hello and wishing you a happy St. Pat's day! sandie

Linda O'Connell said...

That lamp is beautiful. And I can almost smell the flowers.

Anonymous said...

That lamp is absolutely adorable, and I love how it blends in with the lovely wallpaper!!
Also, thank you for the sweet comment on my blog :)
Happy Sunday

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