Sunday, June 3, 2012

Thankful for So Many Things Around Us

Anytime I start to feel discouraged or sad, all I have to do is look around.

So many others have heavy crosses to bear and compared to theirs, mine feels light.

Yes, there are many awful things in the world, but there are wondrous, miraculous things, too, like the birth of a baby.  

Just look into a newborn's eyes and all your troubles suddenly disappear.

So today, I want to show you a few of the things God has given that I'm so thankful for.

For green grass and trees, such as shown in the photo at the top of this post!

 For exquisite peacocks, even when they don't fan their gorgeous feathers:

For fluffy, woolly baby lambs:

 For black-eyed Susans:

For blue skies and white, wispy clouds:

For camels, yeah, even camels,  especially when they smile! 

Today we are joining Think on These Things on Lorraine's beautiful blog, With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart.
Go on over and read all of the inspirational entries.



Chatty Crone said...

You go girl - I think your blog is so wonderful - camels - lambs - peacocks - I feel the exact same way as you do!


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Good morning, Susan! So nice to see these lovely photos and be thankful for the varied gifts we can delight in. You are so close to the peacock and able to see the amazing colors and textures. Sweet little lamb, perky yellow flowers and quirky smiling camel too :)

Perfect post for Think on These Things!

Linda O'Connell said...

I am thankful everyday for the beuty that surrounds me and the birds chirping adn feeding their young. It is so entertaining.

Unknown said...

Lovely post Susan, Needed this today. I have felt a bit discouraged lately - and I am thankful for all my friends out there that is lifting me up.
Have a lovely Sunday!


Donna said...

A wonderful and fun post. I don't think I've ever seen a smiling camel before - not that I have seen a lot of camels come to think on it. Great capture.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I look up right now and see my Mom and I am so thankful she is still here. God is good and yes so many are suffering and I do appreciate all my blessings!

Lois Christensen said...

so thankful for so many things! Your pictures are beautiful!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Loved this post, Susan, especially that peacock. What a beauty!

I'm thankful for a million or more things today, but the one that stands out this very minute is my A/C that's purring right along on this very warm day in Southeast Texas. It's a small thing, but one we often take for granted.

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Susan, you have it so right. Thank you for the reminder of all there is around us that is so worthy of our appreciation and thanksgiving. Thank you for stopping and leaving me such encouraging and kind thoughts on my rain post at Quirky Vistas. I'm grateful for sweet people like you who lift others' spirits!

Nellie said...

Love these pictures!
I am thankful for the love that is present in our family. What a blessing!
Have a blessed Sunday!

Susan said...

Hello Everyone...Hope your Sunday has been splendid.

Welcome to Pembrokeshire Lass! She is from Wales and is this blog's 297th Follower! Woo hoo! So happy to have you join us.

Soon, hopefully, there will 300. That will also be most delightful.

Sending positive vibes out to each and every one of you. Susan

Heirloom treasures said...

Lovely post, I feel the very same. Have a nice day xx jeanetteann

Pearl said...

It's good to be reminded!


diane.stetson said...

My newest grandson born June Jonah! Yay..Thank the Lord he is healthy and such a good baby!

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