Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friendship's Call

Lifelong friends are few and far between.

Some friends come into our lives and we think they will be there forever.

Then, things change, and they are not.

Sometimes, we change.

 Circumstances change. 

 Living locations change.

I have  a very few friends who live in my heart forever, even though now we live thousands of miles apart.

At times, the distance between us makes me feel sad.

But then I realize my life has been blessed to have known them for the years I did.

One of my "forever" friends gave me the little figurine shown at the top of this post.

She lives in Arizona. I live in Massachusetts now.

We talk on the phone, we send each other cards, and we have a storehouse of memories.

She will always be my treasured friend.



  1. you wrote exactly about my I moved to live to another country, I left all my friends, and i miss them a lot. however, there is one friend who moved to another country too and i can't see her.yes, i also feel sad that distances make us so far from each other, but yes, our friends live in our heart...

  2. It's sweet to have life long friends even if we can't see them so often. Your friend bought you a lovely figurine. I'm glad you share good memories with her. Blessings.

  3. How lovely your little figure is and such lovely connections. True friends are a treasure. xx

  4. I feel fortunate to have a couple of friends still in touch after a move. One friendship is 40 years long! I wonder if social media and email will help freinds stay close now...or just a surface connection afterall?

  5. It does not surprise me that you have a lot of friends like that Susan - you are so sweet and kind.

    I do have friends like that - but have to say I have lost two of those dear friends and it was like losing a part of me!


  6. I have college roomates who were very dear friends and we still keep in touch via cards and e-mails. I will always treasure them especially as we get older. One is already gone from this world so it is important for us to keep our friendships going!

  7. I do have a few friends like that Susan! It is so great to have history with someone. hugs, Linda

  8. I've lost two of my forever friends, one to cancer about 25 years ago and one last year who decided not to be my friend anymore. I am baffled and feel sad. I enjoy my new blog friends.

  9. I have a friend that I haven't spoken to in months. I think I will give her an "I love you" call!
    Thanks for the reminder, love.

  10. There is someone who was a very special friend, especially when our girls were infants and toddlers. I haven't seen her for 35 years!

  11. Hello from Spain: I have a friend for 20 years. Not for years but when we spoke on the phone is as if we were all the time together. Keep in touch

  12. I am also blessed with long time friendships....and like you many are far away. Friendships of this kind are connected in spirit and always near.

  13. Of course I do have many friends who I don't get to see. I certainly have learned over the years, especially living in another country, that friends are for a reason, a season or a lifetime ... some friends truly become your family ... and some friends are just beyond the computer screen. :) Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy
