Friday, January 11, 2013

Bye Bye Antique Dishes

For many years, I wanted a set of Bavarian dishes that featured beautiful pink roses.

When we lived in Arizona, a classified ad ran in the newspaper, advertising Bavarian dishes with pink roses.

My husband graciously drove a long, long distance into the desert with me, to take a look at the dish set.

My heart just about sunk when I saw then because they were not the dishes I had in mind. My husband, however, wanting so much to make me happy, kept insisting we buy the set.

The owner said the dishes belonged to his grandmother who received them as a wedding gift in her home state of Massachusetts.  The really strange thing is that I was a Massachusetts native living in Arizona!

Well, to make a long story short, we bought the huge set of dishes for $200 and carted them home in many boxes. It was a set for 12 people with many extra dishes, platters, and so forth.

When we moved back to the east, the dishes came with us and have been back in Massachusetts for several years now.

Recently, a sister of mine lamented how she had several non-matching dishes.

As difficult as it is to part with something that has sentimental value, I made a decision to give her the set of rose cascade dishes as a gift.

She likes them very much and already used them for a dinner party.

The well-traveled dishes are now back home in the east.

 I have extra room in my pantry.

My sister has a set of dishes more than 100 years old.

 Can't beat all those pluses!



  1. Oh, my, how generous of you to give up those lovely dishes, and I'm sure your sister will treasure them as she uses them! I do like some antique dishes, but have very limited space, so I just give them a longing glance in the stores where I see them, then pass them by for someone who has more space to enjoy them. If I had a large cabinet with windowed doors, where they could be displayed properly, I would enjoy having them, but at this stage of my life, I just appreciate the simple, everyday, items that we have, even with a few chips around the edges! :-) These are beautiful, and I'm quite partial to roses on anything!

  2. It is soooo hard for me to leave a set of dishes behind. I have many and do not need one more set, but....
    How very sweet of you Susan to give these to your sister. What a treat for her!
    I want to hear more about your mini bakery!

  3. Hi Susan,
    They are beautiful and aren't you the sweetest for giving them to a new home, your sister is a lucky lady:-) Maybe Karma will send you those dishes you originaly wanted? I'm glad Honey Cat is doing better, so sweet and love that name!!

  4. That IS a lot of pluses - and a lot of beautiful dishes :)

  5. Dear Susan,
    That is a wonderful story. You were so generous. Just think you got to use them all these years and now another loved one will get to enjoy them and I bet she will think of you every time she does. I love how sweet your husband was too.
    Smiling here, Ruthie

  6. Again I have to say...."You are sweet....through and through...."
    Hugs and love-Lucy~

  7. I do love old dishes too. I love to think what stories they could tell if they spoke. Imagine the things they have heard! Nice that the dishes can move on without sadness to make new history, hear new stories at your sister"s.

  8. They will be properly used and loved again. My daughter was collecting a set like this, piece by piece for high prices at antique stores. I went to a thrift store in MA and found an entire set for six dollars. She was so thrilled.

  9. Gorgeous set and you have a wonderful husband to buy them for you. I am sure your sister will have many parties and use them if she has already.

  10. Which sister is that Susan? Ha ha. I have a set of Bavarian rose china too! I love it..have had it many years!

  11. Beautiful dishes and such a lovely gift! I know you are so generous. I too enjoy vintage china! hugs, Linda

  12. Love that. Sounds like you are surrounded by thoughtful caring people! You included! Pretty dishes!

  13. They are lovely and your sweet gift will bring much joy to your sister :)

  14. You having such a giving is better they are out of the pantry and being admired and treasured by your sister. I can see her serving you a fine dinner on them someday. :)

  15. What a sweet gift, Susan. I'd feel mighty blessed to have that set of dishes. I adore antique dishes.

  16. What a great story and a lovely gift.
    I like antique dishes.
    Enjoy your weekend.


  17. With the way things get broken around here, I certainly wouldn't want antique dishes. That's quite a lovely set and to withstand 100 years makes it even more special. Your sister needed something and you were able to deliver. Sounds like a win-win to me. Best wishes, Tammy

  18. Que porcelana lindas!!!!!
    bom gosto o seu querida,
    Beijos no seu coração
