Saturday, January 12, 2013

Health and Happiness Boosters

Happy Saturday, Everyone....

Today is meant to be an even more interactive post than usual.

The book shown above is filled with all kinds of wonderful ideas for boosting health and happiness.

For me, today, I'll share some things that boost my own health and happiness.

1. Eliminating or strictly limiting carbs such as white flour bread, muffins, etc.,  ingesting very little refined white sugar, and  swimming as frequently as possible (even in a chlorine pool)  all make me feel healthier.

2. Staying in the moment and filling my heart with gratitude for even the littlest of things.

Seeing my new granddaughter smile, drinking a delicious cup of coffee every morning and warm, soft sheets on the bed all make me  feel happy.

How about you? 

Think about what makes you feel healthier and happier and please, if you can, share your answers in the comment section!  

We can all learn from one another, right?  

And I want to learn from you!  



  1. Eating a variety of grains such as oats, spelt, rice and eating less of wheat and corn which is in everything you buy from the stores these days.

  2. Limiting white sugar and seeing more of my sugar plum.

  3. Getting a good nights sleep is the best thing to me. oh and hugs and kisses from a certain young man helps also!
    hugs, Linda

  4. I always begin my day with reading a few chapters from the Bible. (Yes, I'm one of "those!") That just gets my mind and heart focused on what's really important and eternal, and I always share a few verses with my Facebook friends as my first status of the day.

  5. Getting ready to make my daily muffins for the week...oat bran, wheat bran, flax bran and ground oranges.

    How do you do without bread and muffins? What DO you eat in their stead? I can pass on cake and pie when necessary but I crave white crackers!

  6. As I sit here eating fudge, I'll be glad to comment!
    1..I have eliminated wheat from my diet.
    2. No longer does my stomach tolerate even a glass of that is out, too.
    3. I work out 45 minutes daily.
    4. I intentionally schedule my devotionals every day. First thing.

  7. This morning I took a shower - dried my hair - cleaned my nails and toenails - got my make - up on and I said and wrote in my grateful journal - there is nothing like the feeling of being clean from head to toe.

  8. Hi Susan,
    Thanks for visiting my blog the other day and leaving such a nice comment. Your blog today was very timely because I have recently made an effort to take quiet time just for myself each day. No conversations, no telephones, no t.v. -----just Me!!! It seems to rest and recharge my mind and attitude. Visiting your blog is a delight because it makes one slow down and focus on the happy and peaceful side of life.
    Missy M

  9. Singing as much as possible and going to aqua classes at the rec center and always having some kind of fruit for dessert...
