Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thrift Store Finds

 On a recent visit to a newly relocated Goodwill store, in a town about 40 minutes away, several sweet treasures caught my eye.

The first was a beautiful large round platter with different designs in it.

The sticker on it indicated "$4.00.

Since it's transparent, it was difficult to photograph so I placed an orange cloth behind it so you could see it.

Now this will be nice for cookies on any holiday or even for cheese and crackers when guests drop by.

Secondly, a darling small green pitcher just about jumped off the shelf. Cost?  $2.79.

I believe a flower arrangement originally came in it but I had it in mind for orange juice. 

It's petite enough so that not every drop of orange juice in the container gets used, if you get my drift.

Small glasses, small pitcher and small sips of juice sound good to me!

Last but not least was a little angel's face for a mere $1.29. It even has a hanger on the back!

The colors were hideous but usually I'm able to envision it painted.

Sure enough, little angel face is now white and I'll distress the little cutie pie when I find a piece of fine sand paper. 

All the bargains put together cost less than $10.00.

 Plus, it was a fun couple of  thrift store shopping hours on a cold January afternoon!



  1. I love the green pitcher. I have a small collection of green glassware and love finding unique pieces.

  2. Oh, I was at Big Lots, looking for some items from their sale circular, and I ran across a whole rack of fall decorations marked 90% off!!!! I found some lovely items which will become gifts in a few months, and some other items which I'll happily keep!

    I love that beautiful platter you pictured, and the little cherub is adorable! You are quite talented, and that talent is serving you and your followers very well! :-)

  3. I don't think I can remember my last thrift store purchase! I've been locked in my studio for over a year working:-D I live vicariously through you, my friend, XOXO

  4. Always nice to get a bargain and I know you will use all those lovely purchases. Have a super Saturday. Tammy

  5. The angel is much better when she is painted and the large round platter dish looks pretty good for $4.00.

  6. Love your sandwich glass platter!!

    And the cherub re- do is so charming!!


  7. Great finds love all the pieces and I adore the angel..seems to be my newest thing to collect these days...Happy weekend...with love Janice

  8. Oh, dear! Bargain items seem to be hard for me to come by, but I did score a find earlier when a dress shop was down-sizing and moving to a new location. Merchandise in their original location was really marked down, and I bought a couple of outfits for only $5 each! Originally, one had been priced at near $200!

  9. What great treasures! love them all and the angel turned out so pretty!
    Lucky day!

  10. Great buys! Good idea about painting the angel. She looks so much better now. It has been awhile since I thrifted, but I still cherish a little blue lamp that I got for song in an antique store. :) Kit

  11. Lovely glass plate! What a find!

  12. Hello from Spain: Great finds. I like all the pieces and I love the angel. Great job. In winter I visit shopping centers and visit the stores. My last purchase was a dress very cheap. In my country the shops are on sale until March. Keep in touch

  13. Great finds! I love the green pitcher and I too like the size of it. That platter is so pretty. I think I have plates like that...they were giveaways in detergent for something, not sure.
    hugs, Linda

  14. Linda,
    I really like those plates-so very much! I haven't been bargain shopping lately, but you have inspired me to do so!! Great post!

  15. Susan!

    It's me again-guess my mind went out the door-forgive me!!

  16. What great finds... I really like the glass platter.

    A lovely slice of life.

  17. The glass platter is very pretty! The little cherub looks much better painted white! After all angels are more angelic in white!

  18. I don't shop thrift stores so have no bargains to report..but I do clip coupons for the grocery store and today I saved over thirty dollars there on my grocery order...does that count?

  19. You have an eye for treasures. I especially like the little green pitcher.

  20. Lost my comment somewhere. I think I may have some plates like that in Gramma B's cabinet downstairs. Something great about bargains! I got a new quilt for my bed as mine was looking pretty shabby after 10 years! But it wasn't under 10 bucks...but under 40. Thats good for me!xobb

  21. Wonderful finds! I especially love the pitcher. (I'm partial to green.:)
    Makes me want to head out to the thrift shops this week! :)

    Happy weekend,

  22. You sure did find some sweet treasures! Love the platter!

  23. There is another angel there for you angel girl. And I knew Linda would love the green pitcher - so do I. My problem is where do I put all these things?

    I have to tell you that I saw Linda last week and she gave me a beautiful salt and pepper shaker - free - so that was a wonderful gift - they were beautiful.

    Love your finds. sandie

  24. I am not surprised you found some sweet angels...and that green pitcher....if you get tired of it I will e-mail my address to you . LOL.
