Friday, January 25, 2013

Love Those "Love Day" Wreaths

Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove.

Why not stop by her blog, say "hello," and see all the ways people are thrifty!

You know how certain items start to multiply and then, before you know it, you have a collection you didn't even plan?

Well, that happens with a lot of things around here.

It even happened with wreaths for Valentine's Day.

One sweet little number turned into two, three and upward.

Some I picked up at yard sales, others on sale in stores and still others, well, who knows where they came from?

Love 'em all.

One shiny red heart hangs on a porch, so neighbors who see that side of our house from their windows can enjoy the view!

Another is in the glass of a door.

One's in the hallway downstairs and a couple more are  in the hallway upstairs.

Of course there's one on the front door, too.

Some lacy pink hearts, made by a sister, hang in the downstairs bathroom.

(She also painted the roses and pink bow on the tin heart. She's quite an artist, don't you think?)

If anybody tried to break my heart, it'd be  quite an undertaking in this house!



  1. Oh, you have a great collection!! Love it!

  2. More hearts to enjoy!
    I love the Victorian one and the conversation heart one!

  3. Hi Susan,
    I like all your hearts....especially the painted one. Your sister is very talented. My Mum has two hoop art embriodered hearts from my sister and me.
    have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  4. Hahahaha. You DO have quite a collection - all so very sweet♥!

    I don't have valentine wreaths but have managed to accumulate more Valentine Day decor than I realized...

  5. The tollpainted heart does the trick for me!

  6. Susan,
    Love all of your hearts but i was especially smitten with the lacey ones!! So lovely!!


  7. Love all your wreaths! But the shot peeking outside to the snow is great with the lac curtains!

    Enjoy your weekend and stay warm!


  8. I do have some lovely hearts, but not as many or as lovely as yours! I love the individuality of the decorations. I also have a heart-shaped cake pan that I hope to use for my hubby's Valentine birthday cake! I am not a decorator, so it won't look professional, but it should still taste good! Thank you for sharing another glimpse of your amazing home!

  9. What lovely Valentine hearts! I now know I must look for a wreath of hearts for the front door! I have many things collected here, but not a collection of Valentine hearts.

  10. Hi Everybody!

    Welcome to Penny from Penny's Vintage Home, this blog's 348th Follower.

    Stop by her enchanting blog for a real treat!

    Take care and have a wonderful Friday!

    Hugs to all. Susan

  11. I love really love your heart collection Susan. So tell me this - what is the first one made of - I really liked that one.

  12. First...where do you store all your collections! The angels at Christmas were amazing, but these hearts really are incredible:-D I love that you decorate for each holiday--I think it's important to give each one their proper time, XOXO

  13. Lovely collection! I think I have a heart wreath packed away somewhere.

  14. You have collected some beautiful hearts! I have a few and enjoy them during this time of year! Love the Candy Heart one the most! Hugs, Linda

  15. Hi Susan,

    I love the first heart with the red roses. They are just gorgeous. Wow, do you have a collection!

  16. I have one lone heart wreath like the white ones in your last picture. I guess a sister made it for me too but I thought it was my Mom...oh well. Love it!

  17. Wow! That is a lot of hearts! And all so lovely! Have a great day. Tammy (P.S. Jingles is a Queen! :)

  18. There's no denying it's Valentine's Day at your house! Very pretty display of hearts you have there.

  19. Your all heart...♥ Such a lovely collection.

  20. Lovely Heart wreaths!! My Fav. is the glass(?) with pink roses painted on it!!

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