Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Learning from Each Other in Blogland

 You know how we have been talking about blogs and all they have to offer?

Well, one of their advantages is learning from one another.

It's like having a huge  living library at our disposal.

Lorraine, from the wonderful blog With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart, is an immensely talented blogger.

She does every kind of craft imaginable, is a great interior decorator and is also a fabulous cook and baker.

She shares everything with friends in blogland.

This Easter, I followed her instructions to make a "lambie pie" out of butter!  

(You can read her instructional post on it here:

Yes, on Easter morning I was grating a stick of butter before guests arrived to make a "woolly" coat for my lambie pie.

Here he is inside the refrigerator, waiting to be carried to the holiday table:

He drew lots of smiles and congratulations from delighted guests.

He's sitting on watercress. The flowers were plucked from my hyacinth plants!

I was SO THANKFUL to Lorraine for the instructions that I read on her blog.

She also shared a recipe for a pineapple sauce to put on the ham.

I made that, too, and it got rave reviews.

  I even doubled the recipe so guests could take some home!

So many thanks to Lorraine for her terrific suggestions and to all of you for reading!

 Like so many blogland friends, it's safe to say, "I LOVE blogging!"

p.s. The little bun buns shown at the very top of this post are displayed on a counter in the downstairs bathroom.

They were purchased years ago and are signed "Liz Williams." 

They measure only about three inches by three inches and are among my favorite Easter decorations. 



  1. I think blogging is great to meet people and share ideas, but it also is good to be forced to stop and look at ourselves once in a while. If we blog honestly, we evaluate our strong points and our weakness through what we choose to write, share, and comment on.

    Love how you worked that crucifix in with the eggs!

  2. Beginning a blog was a "trick" to see if I would begin to use the camera! It has worked thus far.:-)

    It has been a real pleasure to connect with you, Susan. I love that little butter lamb! Thank you for the link.

  3. Well I have to say finding friends - love - Christians - and learning more things about 'stuff' I had no idea that existed - like butter bunnies. sandie

  4. Susan: The best thing about blogging is meeting you of course! Duh! Love the lamb. Wishing you a wonderful week. Blessings dear friend, Martha

  5. I think other than friendship, it has to be inspiration. I am so inspired by all the wonderful blogs and all their owners offer!
    Love ya,

  6. Dear Susan,
    Wonderful post and I must say you are also so brave to use your Old Country Rose china..With my many male guest I have to stick with the 'I won't cry' dishes just in case they take a manly beating! That reminds me I need to host a girly luncheon soon so I can use my OCR!

  7. Hi Susan,
    What a lovley post and cutr little lambie pie :)

  8. Your lamb butter is so cute - I wanted to make one too. I love your decorated eggs - I have a few of those too.

  9. Susan,
    The lamb butter is so darling! How fun for your Easter table! I love blogging because I have met so many wonderful people...talented and encouraging.

  10. Lorraine is very talented. Her food photography is amazing! I've so enjoyed making friends around the world through blogging and, of course, being inspired to create! Hope you are having a great week. Tammy

  11. Hi Susan! Sorry for replying so late. The mini show is over but I will let you know next time! And the butter is too cute. Hope you had a great Easter!

  12. Your butter lamb is adorable and your words very kind! Your Easter table is so elegant with the gorgeous tablecloth, china and candlesticks!

    Blogging is great fun and full of blessing with friends like you!

  13. Great lamb! I just love finding blogs with simular tastes and I love learning new ideas from them. It has opened up a whole new world for me. Kit

  14. That butter lamb is so cute! What I love besides the folks I meet, is the inspiration I get each and every day. Sometimes its decorating or cooking. Often it's someone dealing with a challenge and that inspires me. The strength and braveness of bloggers always inspires.

  15. Beautiful Easter Eggs!!
    Blogging is fun and you meet some of the greatest people!

  16. Your blog makes blogging fun for me...Your very inspiring....and your enthusiasm is catchy. :)
