Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Breathtaking Beauty of Flowers

 The intoxicating fragrance of hyacinths and a regal  lily fill the kitchen these days.

Our daughter gave us the beautiful lily on Easter Sunday.  

The hyacinths I picked up for hubs and me.

Honestly, when I closely examine a flower, the incredible beauty of it never fails to stun.

What magnificent detail our Lord put into His floral creations.

The touch of the Master continues to enhance our experience here on earth.

When the sun filtered through the lily, it almost brought me to tears. It was that lovely!

 Flowers truly are such delicious food for our souls.



Susan said...


I would like to welcome Trish from the blog, Daily Decadent.

Why not stop by her blog and say "hello!"

Welcome, Trish. Thanks so much for following!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Hugs to all! Susan

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

The flowers are just gorgeous! Each different and unique and each lovely.

La Tea Dah said...

These early spring flowers are so magical and beautiful. I love their strong scents and the waxiness of their petals. Pure perfection!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Your photos are fab, Susan! And, yes, flowers are the most amazing pieces of art ever, made by God's own hands. I'm in awe.

Debora said...

If I could make any flower appear magically before me right now it would be a big bouquet of multi-colored dahlias. Your pictures are very pretty!

Nellie said...

Wonderful photos, Susan. I would love to have a bouquet of lilacs! I love the pale lavender color and the fragrance.

Ruth Kelly said...

Spring has sprung. I can't stand to pick my hyacinths - I need more of them.

diane.stetson said...

All flowers have their special beauty which is such a gift from God! I do not have a favorite.

Bookie said...

Your flower pictures are lovely and we all are so ready to see blossoms. Here it is HORRIBLY windy, but still, I did one little bit of pansies and one little bit of johnnie jumpups just so I can see them from the kitcehn window as four days of rain are on their way!

Thanks for your faithful visit to my blog and for the supportive emails!!! Have a good April weekend.

Unknown said...

Oh My, I can imagine the scent from those hyacints, beautiful. I love all types of blue flowers.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: these flowers are stunning. I decorate my home with red roses ... Keep in touch

Suzan said...

I love orchids and roses! A Mr. Lincoln rose!! Fruity smelling and velvet red in color.

Journeyin' Lady... said...

Your flower photos are absolutely had just the right light!
Right now I am really enjoying the wild flowers that bloom here in Spring - the fields of lupine are beautiful.

Linda O'Connell said...

Ah, thr fragrance of these beauties. I take my students on walks and we stop and say, "Thank you God for my eyes so I can see the flowers."

Chatty Crone said...

I have to agree with you 100% - flowers are a thing of beauty - I feel God gives us things like this to show how much he loves us. sandie

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Susan ... I love your hyacinths.....I know it's Spring where you are and the bulb flowers say Spring.
It's Autumn here in Australia, but I've got a little Spring message from Mother Hyacinth bulbs have sprouted and are all putting out lovely leaves.....sign of lovely flowers to come.....
I have a soft spot for violets,but any flower would make me happy....
Barb xx

Glenda said...

I agree with everyone else that your photographs are breathtakingly beautiful! I appreciate the fresh fragrance of roses, and yellow roses are my very favorite! My daughter and her hubby sent me a gorgeous bouquet for my recent birthday, and it included yellow roses and daisies, and a couple of lovely white lilies! The fragrance is still delightful, and the bouquet is keeping its loveliness for a very long time -- nearly a whole week now! I also love tube roses, which bloom in the late summer/early fall around here. They are tiny, but one little plant will make the entire yard aromatic!!

Red Rose Alley said...

I think you know my answer......the red rose, although I do love carnations in all different colors. Your photos are beautiful today, Susan. Flowers are the magic in our lives.
~Love, Me

Susan said...

I love "Easter" lilies, but if you have a cat, they are poisonous to them--I know I'm beginning to sound like the Flower Patrol...sorry. The sweet fragrance of hyacinths is only second to jasmine for me and I can imagine your home with their aroma is just heavenly. XOXO

Decadent Housewife said...


Thank you for the especially warm welcome. While the grandbabies sleep this aft, I've had a bit of time to read the last few day's posts. So I only found this now. You are very kind.

The flowers are wonderful and I love sun through coloured glass. Thank you again.


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