Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Blessed and Bountiful Mother's Day to Mothers Everywhere

On this special day, when we honor mothers, it also brings to mind grandmothers, aunts, special friends and all the women we have been blessed to love.

My own Mummy has been gone from the earth for seven years now and there's not a day that has gone by when I have not thought of her and missed her.

She was a dedicated, faithful mother who gave many, many years of her life for her five girls.

She taught me so much including appreciating music and the joy of reading, both of which have been great gifts throughout my entire life.

Mummy also remained faithful to God all through the years and taught all of us our prayers when we were little.

Celebrating Mother's Day is forever changed once our Moms go to the other side of life.

It becomes a bittersweet day of remembrance.

Being a mother myself, it makes me think about my own children and now, their beloved spouses. 

This Mother's Day will be the first my daughter will celebrate, too.  Her beautiful baby girl fills all of our hearts with the purest love imaginable.

I also think of the Blessed Virgin, the mother of God. 

 She had to witness the brutal death of her beloved son but, no doubt, her heart filled with immense love when He came back to life three days later.

So on this special day, I wish mothers everywhere peace, deep happiness

and amazing love. 

Where would this world be without mothers?



Terra said...

How good that your daughter is celebrating her first Mothers Day as a mom, and you have a precious grandchild now.
I often think my mom was the best mom in the world! And now we have two grown sons, so I know how great being a mom is.

Glenda said...

One thing that stands out in my mind about my mother is that she would always find something good to say about a person, no matter how despicable that person seemed to be. That is something I wish I had learned better from her, but I do try to appreciate the differences that people have and try not to allow those differences to create a difficult situation. Happy Mother's Day, Susan! :-)

diane.stetson said...

My Mom was gentle, loving, intelligent, caring, prayerful, musical, and the best Mom in the world. I miss her so much each day now that I do not have her any longer. I'm sure she is looking down from heaven on this special day!

Hindustanka said...

beautifully said, Susan! Happy mother's day to you too! My Mum also gave me such gifts as love for reading, to be independent and strong...
I miss her so much today as she is in my native town and I am in India. But I am going to meet her and Dad soon - so it is okay.
I hope you having your lovely grandchildren soothes your sadness for your beloved Mum, though noone can replace her of course.
Have a blessed day!

Victorian1885 said...

Happy Mother's Day Susan! Thank you for your sweet comments on my post.
You are right our Mother's will always be looking down on us from Heaven and sharing in the love of the family they created. Your Grand baby is so beautiful, what a smile! Enjoy your day today.


Susan said...

Mother's Day has been a tough one for me, first losing my mother so young and then Kelly just 3 years ago. But I am thankful for the beautiful memories and gifts of love I received from both of them. Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear friend and your daughter...cherish everyday, XOXO

Lady Linda said...

Happy Mother's Day dear blogger friend! What a cute baby. I am looking forward to being a grandmother soon.
I didn't have a good relationship with my mom. But I do with my own daughters, so I guess I learned what NOT to do as a mom.
Love ya,

Suzan said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!!
Lovely post and pictures - flowers and baby!! God IS good!! We wouldn't be here if it was for our Mom's!- One of those sayings - Which is first? chicken or the egg?

Sally Wessely said...

This was a beautiful post. I think of all the gifts my mother gave me, the greatest is to see beauty in the world around me.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Susan -

Happy Mother's Day! Lovely pics - those flowering trees are breathtaking!

Susan :)

Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Hi Susan, Happy Mother's Day! Beautiful post. My Mom was a wonderful example to me and I am so grateful for the way she served God and raised us ten kids to live for Him.

Linda O'Connell said...

Ahh the cycle of life continues withthat beautiful, precious little baby granddaughter. Happy Mother's day to you.

Nellie said...

Wonderful tribute to your mother, Susan.

My mother and my father together provided me with the foundation for my faith, which has sustained me throughout my life. She has been gone 30 years, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her! She is truly missed!

Barbara Neubeck said...

...Lovely post, Susan..... Happy Mother's day to you and your daughter...
I love the tree in bloom.....beautiful...
Barb xx

Decadent Housewife said...

Hope you had a lovely day.
Beautiful photos and baby.

Chatty Crone said...

I hope you had a great mother's day and grandma day - your sweet pea is so cute and pretty - and I loved that pink tree. You are blessed. sandie

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