Monday, May 20, 2013

Comfortable Reading in the Bedroom

Are you one of the read-before-bed aficionados?

I definitely am but dislike having to get up and turn off the light when it's time to turn in.

One of my aunts used to have brass wall lamps behind her bed that swung out and could be adjusted to one's reading position. 

 I loved those lamps and thought of them even after she sold her house and moved into an apartment.

Recently, while staying in the Robert Todd Lincoln room at the West Mountain Inn in Arlington, Vermont,  it was great to have brass lights on the wall behind the bed. 

First of all, I love anything brass. Secondly, easy-to-switch-off reading lights, without having to get out of bed, are the epitome of comfort!

Loved the mini canopy of the bed, the carved headboard and pretty floral wallpaper, too.

This was a very pretty Victorian room.

There was even a photograph of the Lincoln family on one of the walls.

It's always nice when the room one is staying in away-from-home turns out to be a good choice.

Want to take a quick peek into a couple of the inn's other room?

Here's the Grandma Moses suite:

 And the Booker T. Washington room:

Daniel Webster suite: 
To see more rooms, check out the inn's website by clicking on the name in blue letters above.

 Just want to note that no compensation of any kind was given for this post on the inn nor do I have any connection except for being a happy former guest!



diane.stetson said...

I did stay in a Victorian place once I believe it was in Maine. So pretty. Your house can match this though have lots of wonderful things and decor too!

Linda O'Connell said...

These rooms are exquisite. I like the Grandma Moses room and the one you stayed in best.

Glenda said...

I really don't care what decor is in the room where I'm staying when on a trip like yours! As long as it's different from home, it feels like paradise to me, and these exquisite rooms certainly fill that requirement! This is a most lovely place, and I can see why you enjoyed your stay there. :-)

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: it is essential to have a spacious and comfortable bed. I also like the design of the canopy beds. They look like princesses beds. The Victorian decor is one of my favorites. Keep in touch

Merlesworld said...

Yes I would I like Victorian decor in a bedroom very pretty.
I once owned a touch light that lived beside my bed which I could touch from the bed and i didn't have to get out to switch it off, sadly it died.

Hindustanka said...

I loved all the rooms! And yes, I'd love to stay in one of such :)I liked the one which has the window behind it! Looks so awesomely cozy :0 I like reading before sleep, but I have no night lamp in our room, so I have to read long a go before I go to bed.
Have a great day!

Felicity W said...

Thanks for sharing. I love all the rooms you shared.

seems that we are on the same page when it comes to beauty and elegance.

Bookie said...

You were sleeping with such style!!!

Nellie said...

What a lovely place, Susan! I have definitely put it on my "must visit" list!

Susan said...

I have scones by my bed...with a note that they "go with the seller." The pair has been in our home for over 30 years! I like to read, but I also do crossword puzzles and knit or crochet too. Very beautiful rooms and so inviting. Thank you for sharing your lovely trip with us, XOXO

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

What a great place to read in bed. I love to read in bed and have for many years now. I have a small table beside my bed that is my book table. But I agree about lighting. I'm not happy with my lighting in there and need a real solution. The wheels are turning now.

Chatty Crone said...

At first I was thinking that was your room - phew! How interesting and they are all so decorated. This is from the Inn you stayed at. It was gorgeous.

You know what I use - remember the Clapper???

lol, sandie


Simply beautiful and lovely, besides been so cozy you want to go inside one of those canopy beds!
Thanks for sharing this tour. Thank you for your sweet and kind visit. Big hugs,

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I've never stayed in Victorian decor but would love too! I also read in bed every night and have a bedside lamp!


My Dream Canvas said...

Wow, coincidently my son is presenting a report on Booker T Washington in school this week :) What a lovely place to visit...great pics. Thanks for stopping by Susan. Have a great week.

Dee said...

You betcha I would love to stay in any one of these rooms especially the grandma Moses suite. What a romantic place to stay.... full of history and now good memories for you :)

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