Sunday, May 26, 2013

Mary, Queen of May

 The month of May brings blossoming trees and bushes, azure skies and temperatures kissed by the sun.

It's also, in Catholic tradition, a month dedicated to Mary, the mother of God.

My late mother once gave me a beautiful statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe that I cherish.

In May, the statue takes center stage in the middle of our kitchen table.

I also burn a little candle in front of her.

 There's a small basket of flowers near her, too. 

The statue is just symbolic but Mary really does bring me comfort and peace.

She suffered so greatly in seeing her beloved, precious and innocent son tortured and then die on a cross.

The face of the statue looks a little sad and with good reason.

I consider her a good intercessory and turn over all kinds of problems to her. 

She always answers prayers.



Chatty Crone said...

I love Mary as the mother of Jesus too. I think she suffered so much losing her Son the way she did. I know it would have killed me too.

I like May because it is still cool - the flowers are beautiful - and summer begins.


Susan said...

I love seeing every new blossom in the garden and the longer days here in the Pacific Northwest; it's 8:00 p.m. here and still bright outside! Love the statue of Mary, XOXO

Annesphamily said...

Raised Catholic I always had a beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother. I loved the May celebration and crowning we always participated in. A lovely post Susan.
I have always felt the Mother of Our Lord deserves the absolute ultimate respect. She had quite a responsibility and her courage at the death of her son must have been unbearable.
Thanks for posting today.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Although I am not a Catholic I love reading your post. I love that you have such beautiful consistencies in your life and that you pay such honor and respect to the Mother Of Our Lord.
Thank you for this inspiring and touching post.
Sweet Hugs,

Linda O'Connell said...

Beautiful words to match beautiful pictures. Have agreat day.

Unknown said...

That is a beautiful statue! Very decorative also with the flower basket and candle. Enjoy your Sunday

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: for me the month of May is the month of the Virgin Mary. In my city is a month dedicated to children's communions. It is also the month of flowers. I have of my grandmother an image of the Virgin beautiful. And most importantly, my youngest daughter was born in May. Today is her birthday. Keep in touch

diane.stetson said...

May signifies just a few more weeks of school and then summer vacation. We have a grotto at church with a lovely statue of Mary that we can see as we exit the church. I pray to Mary to intercede for me and I know she will!

Bookie said...

I like the fact that usually Mary is uncontroversial. Many religious points are argued, but Mary maintains her dignity and people don't argue over her much. One of my favorite Madonnas is a Native American one I have. I must show you sometime.

Unknown said...

I have a great "small world"story about Mary. Its very sweet and serendipitous. I will have to post it when I have a bit more time. Sandie told me about your post as well! She seems to think we may be neighbors?! I browsed around here yesterday...sweet stuff and great photos. Nice to meet you too! Feel free to drop an email and maybe we can figure out if we are locals or not. FOllowing you back!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Your statue of Mary is lovely. I love May because it is my oldest daughter's birthday month!


Red Rose Alley said...

I did not know that the month of May was dedicated to Mary in the Catholic religion. I am Catholic as well. I'm so happy to hear this, as May is a special month for me, my birthday month. This statue is beautiful, and I adore Mary. She is always with me.


Red Rose Alley said...

Thank you, Susan, I really needed this post today.

Love you,

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