Friday, May 10, 2013

Potted Palms for Thrifty Things Friday

Scanning the classified section of a newspaper is always a  delightful task.

With my leopard-patterned eyeglasses perched on my nose, colored marker in right hand, I scan those columns to see what potential treasures can be found.

Sometimes, it's "slim-pickins" but other times, like last Saturday, it's "Halleluah."

In a long ad from a house that just sold, I spotted the line that  made me circle it in color....."Potted palms."

Everyone has seen potted palms in movies. They make any room in the house more elegant and, well, rather exotic.

Those made from silk are dead ringers for the real thing and don't need watering.

Have you seen the prices of  silk potted palms? They are very, very expensive.

So last Saturday morning, off I went on the potted plant search!

There in the side yard of the gorgeous old New England home were four fabulous potted palms.

The owner wanted $25 each for them. 

After walking around a bit, I offered to take two of the palms off his hands for $20, or $10 each. Much to my shock, he agreed.

He even helped carry them out to my car. 

My hubs loved them. 

I told him there were two left behind.

He  asked me for directions to the yard sale.

Next thing I knew, he backed the car out of the driveway,  found the yard sale and offered $20 for the remaining two potted palms and bought them on the spot.

So now we have four lovely potted silk palms for only $40.00. Woo hoo.

Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove.

 Why not stop by and say hello to her? You'll also get to see lots of cool posts.  

Also, there's a new  co-host,  Linda from A La Carte. Yeahhhh. So happy you are going to do this, Linda. 



Lady Linda said...

Great bargains Susan and they look great! Way to go!
I haven't joined Thrifty Fridays yet....maybe I should!
Thanks for sharing.

La Tea Dah said...

Woo hoo is right! I love your potted palms! I wish I could find a deal like that!

Gracious Hospitality

Bookie said...

You did well!
The palms are quite lovely, look nice where you put them. Enjoy!

JD said...

That's a great find, Susan! I tend to prefer plants of the don't-need-watering variety myself. Two of the prettiest potted plants I have at home seem to survive quite well with no hydration. ;-)

Potted palms are beautiful and do give a home an exotic look.

Congrats on the find!

diane.stetson said...

I don't have potted palms but palm trees grow all over the place here in California. I have a palm plant in my front yard! This was a good find for you and your husband! It will remind you of warmer places when you look at them.

Nellie said...

Some great bargains can be found at yard sales, that is true!

marianne said...

What a great deal for the potted palms. You are a good bargain hunter. I would definitely buy them for $20.00 for 2; they do add quite an aura of charm to a room. You will be able to enjoy them thru all the seasons.

Rick Watson said...

Those are nice plants. My wife Jilda has a plant that belonged to her grandmother. It's tropical, but I'm not sure what it's called but it's beautiful....and like an old friend.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Thanks Susan for joining Diann and I at TTF!!! You know I love yard sales and thrifty finds! The potted palms are awesome and what a great price you paid!


Barbara Neubeck said...

...Hi Susan .... your search paid off in a big way...... the palms are lovely and the price was amazing...... Well Done.....
Barb xx

Chatty Crone said...

And I love where you placed them in your home - looks so clean and fresh and warm. sandie

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