Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Joy of Greeting Cards

All her life, my late Mummy loved getting and sending greeting cards.

She had boxes of them and read them over and over again.

Well, an apple doesn't fall far from a tree because I love getting and receiving cards, too.

 To me, both sending and receiving cards are among life's little joys that bring a lot of pleasure.

Prior to Mother's Day, the arrival of the mailman was a big deal because I hoped, each day, the mail might include a card.

Mummy had a special holder that she used to display cards and I found that among her things.  

 It gives me happiness to use it to display my own cards. Mummy would approve!

So the cards in this post are the ones I received for Mother's Day from my hubs, daughter and son-in-law, one of my foster children, one of my sisters and dear friends.

They made me feel special and I'm so thankful for them and the people who sent them.

I sent out quite a few Mother's Day cards, too, and hope they brought some smiles to the faces of recipients.



Chatty Crone said...

I love your cards - especially with the flower popping out. You know Susan I am not much of a saver at all - but I do save my card and little notes from family and friends. They mean a whole lot to me. Guess they are like little hugs. Love, sandie

Terra said...

I send and receive cards too, and save the most gorgeous ones. I like the little bear holding the flowers that you show here. Cards are a way to show you care and are cared for, and they are special.

Merlesworld said...

I have saved every card that I have received but no longer give them out or encourage people to give them to me as I was just getting too many.
My grandmother never threw any of hers out and I found it hard to dispose of mine too.

Susan said...

I have to admit, I save greeting cards too...I'm glad to know I'm not alone:-D

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: years ago I received many greeting cards from friends and family. Today I get a couple a year. People are sending e-mail only. A pity. Cards I receive on paper I keep forever. Keep in touch

Linda O'Connell said...

I have saved every card I have ever received since I was eighteen. They are treasures, really.

Dee said...

I have saved a few and very glad I did as some of those people are no longer alive...the meaning of the card becomes more special. I miss cards and letters...I feel we have lost something special and endearing for our grand children. Your cards are lovely....

Patty in Oz said...

Yes! Save them for years....and years!
Since I learned that my primary love language is 'Affirmation of words', I finally know why I love greeting cards so much. Actually, the ones home made especially Valentines melt my heart. A few years ago we shared homemade Valentines at a Tea Party. A little girl helped me tally up votes & a little gift was given. Everyone took their cards back home of course.

I really agree with Dee that we are losing something special. We need to keep the 'Post Office' in business I guess.

Thank you for sharing about your cards. They are lovely.

Patty in Oz

Nellie said...

Lovely cards, Susan, with heartfelt sentiments, I'm sure!

Yes, there are some greeting cards I save. I wish I had been better organized with them through the years, but have only in recent years begun to spend a bit of time with that.

Glenda said...

I do save my cards--Christmas, birthday, anniversary---whatever the occasion! I am also not very well organized with my "collection," but I love them all, as they represent precious people who cared enough to put our names on a card and sign it! It's all about the people for me, and those cards are just precious because of the people!

diane.stetson said...

I love sending and receiving cards for any occasion. I try to save them for at least one year and then I dispose of them. I do save ones from my children though in a special drawer.

Decadent Housewife said...

That is a wonderful thing you have there. I keep most of my cards.

La Tea Dah said...

I love your cards! I have a holder like that --- but hadn't thought of using it for cards. Great idea! I will revive it!

When my boys ask me what I'd like for birthday's or Mother's Day I always say "a card".

Gracious Hospitality

R's Rue said...

I love greeting cards! I save some not all.

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