Saturday, June 29, 2013

Touches of Flowers and an Angel

One of summer's benefits is decorating the backyard!

It's like having a whole new, wide-open room!


I want to show you our backyard but a little at a time in several posts so you won't get bored.

During the winter, the sweet angel shown sits in a downstairs bathroom.  

But come spring,  angel baby gets taken outdoors to enjoy the sunshine!

The pink petunias were a recent on sale purchase from Home Depot.

At last the birdies are coming to our feeders and that makes me (and them) very happy!

Two of the feeders have been hung from a wrought iron plant pole.  

The one hanger left was perfect for this also on-sale pretty light pink  plant. 

Little by little, the backyard is shaping up and starting to look how I want it to.



  1. Very pretty Angel and garden. The last plant in the hanging basket we call Vinca,it is similar to Impatiens.x

  2. I like your feeder it looks like an apartment block for birds.
    At the moment ours is under water a lot, but it does drain quickly, in summer both shaded and sunny.

  3. Your flowers are lovely and a pleasure I am sure. Yes! I agree about the outdoor room...we live on ours when possible. It is cooler today so I already have tea made...out we and the grand dog go! Have a good weekend, Susan!

  4. Your yard is so pretty! Love the angel!


  5. Love the angel! How lucky you were to find such pretty "on sale" plants!

    We have lots of sun in our yard. The back is to the east, so there is sun there all morning. As the sun moves around to the west, the front begins to have sun, though there are portions that have very few hours of sun during the day.

  6. It's so nice when summer is actually for spending time outdoors. Here it is already way too hot for that. When we head to the States next month, I know all my plants will die because we won't have anyone around who can water them. Makes me sad. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  7. You know those round pictures or even a movie - I would love to see your backyard. I know it has to be gorgeous. I love it all. My back is well half and half too. Love, sandie

  8. Summer, glorious summer. I love being outdoors. Your yard is iviting, Susan.

  9. My yard has both sun and shade...I do not go out in it near enough....maybe this summer will be different. Lovely little angel, birdfeeders and fountain....I'm sure you will enjoy more time outdoors in your yard!

  10. Your backyard is so nice, and I am in love with this angel. The penunias are such a pretty color. Our backyard has a table with an umbrella for some shade, but it is mostly bathed in sunlight. I saw a hummingbird on my rose bushes in the front yard, and I couldn't get a good picture of it because it flew away quickly.


  11. Such pretty plants you have chosen for your back yard. I have a woods behind me. Not much color but lot's of interesting critters.
