Some foods propel us back to our childhood days when things were simpler and carefree.
My maternal Polish grandmother, God rest her soul, used to make Polish pierogies that make my mouth water even today, just remembering them.
Pierogies are kind of like doughy turnovers that are boiled and then usually fried in butter and chopped onions.
Sometimes I call pierogies a cardiologist's nightmare! ha! They are definitely a very heavy food.
The favorite filling my grandma made the most consisted of chopped cabbage, sauerkraut, onions and hamburger and, of course, lots of butter.
She used to put in chopped salt pork, too, but I skip that ingredient entirely.
Making pierogies is a rather arduous process.
First, I make the filling by frying in butter the onions, chopped cabbage and sauerkraut, hamburger, salt and pepper.
Each pierogi is carefully placed in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes.
The dough is the tricky part. If it's not done right, the filled turnovers will open right up in the boiling water and all the work is for naught.
After two to three minutes in the hot pot, the pierogies are lifted out of the boiling water and placed in a frying pan that contains onions fried in, what else? More butter!
We used to eat pierogies with sour cream. Each morsel brings me right back to my grandmother's kitchen where she turned out some mighty fabulous Polish food for us.
Pierogies are among my most vivid gastronomical memories. Mmm mmm mm mm mmmmmmmmm
Love them but do not love all those calories and cholesterol blocking ingredients. I love the cabbage/sauerkraut kind and I use salt pork in mine..I've never eaten them with sour cream in my life...just fried in butter/onions..yummy. Send one over will you?
Hi Susan: That looks so good. Hope you are having an amazing week. Sending hugs your way. Martha
Wow ...Susan these look and sound delicious..... I've never eaten them, but if the opportunity arises I will certainly try them.....
Hugs and Blessings..
Barb xx
I have never eaten one, thank goodness, because they sound like they could be my next addiction. Yummy.
These are quite labor-intensive, Susan, so they must be absolutely delicious. I haven't ever eaten one.
I have had them before and mine had a beef filling and oh yes it was yummy!
I showed my husband and he said they look great.
So do you have a secret for the dough? I know dough is tricky.
And yes I have had a lot of them.
They can be stuffed with mashed potatoes - cheese - meat - etc....
Love this - reminds me of home too.
My hubs is Polish.
Love, sandie
Hello from Spain: I did not know that food cooks your Polish grandmother. Childhood is a time of happiness and carefree. Keep in touch
Oh my gosh Susan, my mom would make Pierogies for my dad while I was growing up! I never had a taste for them back then, but I bet I would love them now. They look so delicious. I think that I told you I was part Polish on my Father's side. This post brought back sweet memories for me of my childhood. Thank you.
Oh these are one of my favorite foods! We have a huge Polish community here and I grew up with pierogies. I introduced them to troy when he moved here. A long time ago I worked with a woman who's family came from the Ukraine. Her mother used to make them for once a month and bring them to the office. Love them! Bring on the butter and sour cream! LOL
Love all the Pierogies! My son has been making them and they are quite yummy, altho he does not use too much butter.
I have never attempted making pierogies and yes, they are very calories dense, so I will just continue to eat the ones my son makes and be done with it. That way they won't be around the house to tempt me!
Your photos looked so delicious and I bet the house smelled great.
yumm :)
Hi Susan. I came to your blog through my sister Sheri at Red Rose Alley blog. She thought I would be interested because we grew up eating pirogis. My grandmother was Polish. My mom continued the pirogi legacy, but she put prunes in hers and brushed with butter. I've never seen them this way before. Have you heard of it? What is the recipe you use for your dough. I have made them before, but not much success. Martha Stewart puts cream cheese in her, I believe, which I don't think my mom did. Would love to make these (and try your filling recipe). Please advice. Thank you. Mona at
Definitely time for comfort food. xo Laura
Oh yes and I make them too! Our favorites are potato and cheese, second favorite is the sauerkraut version.
Makes me want to make some!
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