Sunday, February 9, 2014

He Came for Us

Every time I find myself inside a huge church with statues, crucifixes and stained glass windows, my heart fills with love.

My thoughts go straight to Jesus, who came to this earth to make it a better place.

Because of Him, we have so much beauty, peace, serenity and true riches in our lives, no matter what our bank account balance is.

Today, if Christ is part of your life, why not spend a few moments just with Him?



  1. I hope I didn't post multiple times; internet went off and then on.
    Like you, serenity happens for me in church, in time spent with Jesus and walking along the bay.

  2. I often find myself in conversation with Him, thanking, asking, revering.

  3. Our God is the only one who helps me to make sense of things. He is my All in all, the one I can go to for love and total understanding. Thank you for this beautiful post.

  4. I agree. I don't know what I'd do without Him and the peace He is.

  5. Certainly, like you, I "find" serenity, awe, wonder, & peace in places such as you pictured here. I also am drawn to the simplest cross in the barest place that reminds me of the "simple" gospel...believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.... So thankful for Jesus.

  6. I love altars like the one you posted. Sometimes I just love to sit in front of a church altar and find peace and serenity. The newer churches have such "modern" altars and interiors. I love the old ones so much better. No matter what I still enjoy the Lords presence in my life.

  7. Hello from Spain: I find peace and quiet in the church. I believe in God and is a great place to reflect on our lives. Keep in touch

  8. For a long time after my father passed away I cried every Sunday in church. I can't explain it; I wasn't really unhappy, just sad. Being in church makes me feel closer to Dad but it took me a long time not to be embarrassed when I cried. Now I feel a fullness of peace. "Be Still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10) is written in beautiful gold letters on the wall beside the choir loft. I look for it every Sunday morning when I walk into church. That gives me peace.

  9. I find peace in the comfort of our Lord's love.

