Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Birthday Bash Remembrances

Celebrating  special  occasions, like birthdays, makes life extra special, don't you think?

All the birthday festivities for hubs are now over. 

A brunch for 24 people on Sunday was the final hurrah.

The buffet table held spiral ham, soft rolls, potato salad, several quiches, fruit tray, celery and carrot tray, potato chips and leek dip, tortilla chips and homemade salsa, Amish egg casserole, creme brulet French toast,  orange juice, coffee and other drinks!

The birthday cake was golden vanilla with cream cheese frosting and it was served with chocolate ice cream!

My daughter did a great job with some of the offerings and for that I was very grateful.

Since there were many little children in attendance, rather than have them fuss with bulky pieces of cake, I had miniature cupcakes that were the perfect size for little fingers!

After everybody left, this was my view from the couch! 

It was the best place to be after a couple days of grocery shopping for party ingredients, baking, cleaning, cooking and decorating!

Best of all, the birthday boy was very happy that so many people love  him and wanted to celebrate his many decades of life on earth.



diane.stetson said...

I like to celebrate with any family that is around. We go out to one of my favorite restaurants and eat together. I also love getting cards from family who live far away.

Lady Linda said...

You are one busy lady! My birthday is in Dec so we usually go up north to Bainbridge Island WA to visit friends, and do some special Christmas shopping.
I really like to escape for a bit during the busy holiday season.

Donna said...

Happy Birthday to hubs!!!! WE celebrated a birthday this weekend, too. Susan, I have no idea why the birds aren't visiting the bird bath! Ours is constantly being visited. It seems as though it's in a good location since it's close to the feeders. I wish I had something to suggest, but I honestly don't. I hope things change and you start to get some feathered friends visiting!

Wednesday is supposed to be mid 50's - yahoo! Hang in there - winter shouldn't be here TOO much longer!


Denise said...

Hi Susan ! I've just read Your 3 last post.Enjoyed each.I'm very impressed with Your birthday party.So thoughtful,You sure did go all out for this one.Must have been a special day for Him.I keep thinking that I'll do a big party for My husband on a big number,but He doesn't want one.Maybe I'll just have to surprise Him.You take wonderful pics.Susan,Those flowers were gorgeous.I saw that lamb too at the store,should have bought it.Maybe it will still be there.I collect lambs for several reasons.They are so sweet,pretty to look at,Jesus-Lamb of God and Good Shepard-what's not to love. Hugs Denise

marianne said...

Wow! That chandy must have been a welcome sight after all the cooking and cleaning and decorating etc., but I know hubs must have felt like a king with such a marvelous celebration!

A nice meal(that I don't have to plan, cook and clean up after) is the way to go for my birthday; having my children and granddaughter to share in my favorite cake is the best. A little day trip is always a nice touch.

Spring is just around the corner; we are hoping to get a sneak preview as my husband and I are leaving today for a week long trip to New Orleans and Cajun Country Think Spring!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Oh, gorgeous and yummy Feast!!!

Of course you wanted to hit-the-couch, after all that.

Glad he appreciated all the work.

Oh please, show us more photos of that lovely hanging lamp!!!! From lots of different angles. :-) It looks like "My Kind" of old fashioned looking lamp!!!!!!

Donna said...

Susan, maybe that is why if it's down on the ground. Our heated bird bath is up high, attached to the railing of our deck. We do get the occasional neighborhood cats coming through our yard (even though ours are indoor kitties), but they hardly EVER come up on the deck itself. So you have a good point there! Have a great week!


Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: birthday food is very rich and flavorful. I also like this kind of celebration. I like to celebrate my birthday with my family. A family meal with gifts, candles and cake. Pretty lamp. Keep in touch

Chatty Crone said...

All I can say is if I lived up there - you would have had 25 - but I would have brought something to share!

We are a small group of 5. So we like them nice and small - lol.

It looked like a great party!


The Old Parsonage said...

What a wonderful celebration for your sweet love! Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday!

It sounds wonderful!

Me? I like to celebrate all month long:)

Enjoy your night Susan!


Linda O'Connell said...

Looks delightful and what a celebration. Happy birthday to your hubby.

Martha's Favorites said...

Susan, you sure now how to give a party. Everything is perfect. I wish you hubby a happy birthday. Have a wonderful. By the way, I did design the invitations. A lot of work but very cute. Hugs my friend, Martha

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Ha! I guess you needed to put your feet up after entertaining that many people. Glad hubby had such a great celebration. Best wishes, Tammy

Dee said...

Your a talented hostess,,,:)

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