Friday, March 14, 2014

The Cat's Meow Kind of Decorating

Our homes are our places of serenity and security.

They are where we can unwind, attempt to escape the difficulties of the world and relax.

They should also be the places where we can have a few laughs.

I like to incorporate little scenes around the house that make people smile.

On one day trip, my "big" purchase was a tiny cat, no more than two inches long.

He joined a  couple of other bitty felines that lived in cubbies of my miniatures rack in the kitchen.

My granddaughter has Fisher Price "little people" and one of their accessories is a little piano.


So I took the cats down from the rack.  

One now serves as a piano player while the two buddies, no doubt, meow on either side.

They make me smile every time I see them.

Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove, with co-host, Linda, from A La Carte.



Merlesworld said...

The beer fairy is sometimes pretty funny and Drumstick has her moments too.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I like your scene with kittens. My house is fun figures from my garden ... We keep in touch

Ruth Ann said...

A friend gave me a flower arrangement in a small round bright yellow pot with a big smiley face painted on the front. I planted baby tears in it. It looks like a big round happy face with a wild hairdo parted in the middle so the face shows. She sits on my kitchen window sill. I call her Asmerelda and have to give her occasional haircuts. She gets lots of laughs and brightens my time at the kitchen sink.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Being a kitty lover these guys make me smile! I love whimsy and will put a fun little item here and there that just makes me smile! Thanks for sharing these cuties at TTF!

diane.stetson said...

I can't find a thing that is humorous in my house...with the exception of having my grandchildren over..then the place is full of laughs.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Susan: Love the cat vignette. What is really adorable is that Granddaughter. They change your heart forever. We are two lucky ladies. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Martha

Linda O'Connell said...

it relay is the little things that make me happy, too.

Nellie said...

I absolutely LOVE that cat playing the piano!

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

Oh that is so cute! And such creative thinking, on your part. :-)

marianne said...

I would have to say that our 9 month old chocolate lab puppy makes us laugh a lot. She does so many humorous things and doesn't even know it. She can be a challenge as she is very mischievous also and has a lot of energy. We have had several dogs over the course of the last 30 years and so it is nice to once again have a furry and funny friend to share our home and our lives.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

So cute! Makes me smile too!

Chatty Crone said...

Awe those are cute. I like the one in the middle - the white one - that is all stretched out!

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