Things we do and experiences we have as children remain with us throughout our lives.
Pussy willows come on long branches covered with soft, furry gray blossoms that look almost like little mice!
When pretty pussy willows are found, it's a true sign that spring is almost here.
Fast forward several decades to March of 2014.
In the supermarket, getting ready to pick up fruit, vegetables and the rest of the week's provisions, I spotted them while walking past the flower department --- pussy willows!
They were less than $7.00 and worth a million in memories.
Can't beat that, can you?
I bought a bouquet and placed them in a vase on the floor in the front hallway.
My baby granddaughter loved them!
She was upset when one pussy willow branch fell out of the vase and onto the floor.
What I didn't realize is that she put it back into the vase upside-down!
I discovered it while taking photos for this post and it made me chuckle right out loud.
Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thrifty Groove, co-hosted by Linda at A La Carte. (Linda is away this week.)
Tomorrow I'm going to share a poem on pussy willows with you, written by Kate L. Brown so, if you are interested and in need of a harbinger of spring, come back!
Like you, I would say pussy willows, and I add forsythia too. If I see pussy willows at that price, I will buy some. They are so Soft.
I loved those walks trying to find pussy willows too. I also loved finding violets and lily of the valley flowers....such fond memories.
Susan I understaand it I love them too. In the childhood it was my favourite activity in the springtime.
Oh pussy willows! Yes, they do evoke lovely memories. Mine seem to go back to kindergarden in a little small town school room. And the sweet teacher, there.
Thank you for the memories...
Hello from Spain: pussy willows remind me of the arrival of spring and the sun. My childhood memories are in the woods looking flowers. Nice colors and rich scents. Keep in touch
Pussy willows are a definite harbinger of spring here in the northeast. I, too, remember walking in the sweet spring woods looking for pussy willows.
My husband always buys me a bouquet of pussy willows for my birthday which is in March as he know I have such fond childhood memories of them.
Yeah for pussy willows, yeah for spring and yeah for a husband who buys you a bouquet of pussy willows!
I have to tell you that those pussy willows reminds me of my childhood - I think because they are so unusual you just remember them!
I like your pussy willows, Susan... and your little grand daughter putting one back upside down really gave me a giggle.
I don't have a special or favourite flower.... I love them all...
Have a great weekend... hugs and blessings...
Barb xx
Cute story about your grandbaby! Such a blessing to have these little ones in our lives.
I always love them too. Have a good weekend.
Oh, you are so lucky to have an attic. I have NEVER lived in a house with an attic!
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