Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Toddler Treasure

It's been a looooooong time since my own kids were little. 

So when my darling little granddaughter comes to visit, I have to rack my brain to find activities to keep her occupied.

Crafting and art projects are always popular with both "Gammie" and baby, who is 17 months old.

On a recent visit, I consulted a book on toddler activities and carried one out.

It was sticky and messy but very successful.

I prepared piles of two inch tissue paper squares ahead of time.

Also cut a circle in the middle of a heavy duty paper plate.

Gathered Easter stickers.

Babykins got to wad up the tissue squares and, along with the stickers, glue them onto the plate.

Isn't the wreath a colorful Easter pizazz? 

It's okay for a "Gammie" to brag a little, isn't it?  (hee hee)



  1. OH Great Job little grandchild and grammie....what a fun activity for her. I'm sure her parents will enjoy her creation too. You have so much fun with her and that is wonderful.

  2. It is perfectly wonderful to brag and talk about our wonderful grandchildren. What a wonderful grandmother you are!! I think that was beautiful what she made. She will remember doing all this with you when she gets older!

  3. What a wonderful grandma you are! Isn't it something how kids just love doing stuff and getting their hands into it. I can't think of anything in particular for toddlers, but I know that stickers are always a hit. They can put them on all the walls of their homes. LOL

  4. I taught kindergarten for 7 years so I have loads of ideas and still have all my teaching materials that I need to really pass on to someone who can actually use them. You are a great Gammie for doing crafts with your little sweetie. Best wishes, Tammy

  5. Awwwwww, precious. And what lovely memories you are making.

    Can you brag? Of course you can brag! It simply goes-with-the-territory of being a Nana or a Grandma or a Granna or whatever you are called by.


  6. Hello from Spain: to entertain my daughters always put them coloring pictures with paints. You're a super lovely grandmother. Keep in touch

  7. Wow.. Susan that is a great Easter wreath. You and your little grand daughter did a lovely job....
    I used to cover the table with newspaper and give the little ones colouring books and pencil...
    Hugs and Blessings... Barb xxx

  8. The wreath is adorable! What a treasure.
