Sunday, June 8, 2014

Savor Nature This Sunday

               (All photos in this post were taken at Elizabeth Park in Hartford, Connecticut)

One of my daily readings yesterday suggested taking time out of one's day to become quiet and enjoy nature.

Sounded like good advice  so during the afternoon,  everything I was doing came to a halt to allow me to go out into the backyard.

The fountain was trickling and sun bathed everything in golden light.

Towering trees, many hundreds of years old, made a living green canopy way above the yard. 

I pulled the lounge chair into a sunny spot, slipped off my shoes and stretched-out.

As my eyes closed, I thanked God for the beauty around me and for life, itself.

I prayed for a dear friend facing a life-altering situation.

Little birds darted back and forth at the feeders.

One perched briefly on the edge of the wrought iron birdbath and took a sip of water.

About a half hour went by before it was time to get up.

I felt refreshed and renewed.

It was a wonderful experience to appreciate all aspects of nature, appreciating the preciousness of life, itself.

Today, I hope you will savor some aspect of nature and find peace within your own soul.



Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said...

It's good to relax and find time with yourself. Isn't it? Love your photos! Enjoy this glorious weather!

Kit said...

My home gives me peace. It is my favorite place to be. :) Have a lovely Sunday. Kit

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hello Susan..... I love your photos... the big patch of blue Iris (??) is gorgeous...
I try to go out in the garden and take some photos every day... that relaxes me and keeps me in touch with Nature...
Hugs and Blessings...
Barb xx

Anonymous said...

Good Sunday Morning. Thank you for sharing these bright and cheerful photos. I have a favorite chair by a window where I enjoy watching the birds early in the a.m. while remembering loved ones/friends in prayer.
Wishing you a lovely day, Susan.


Musings, Tea, and Me said...

Happy Sunday, Susan! I also love Nature, so your photos made me smile. Irises are a favorite, but your reminder - to sit and contemplate a while - is precious! We truly have much to be grateful for.

diane.stetson said...

My favorite place of peace is in Dana Point Harbor on a bench above the ocean. I love watching the waves come in and is a gorgeous spot.
The cliffs are fantastic. God has made such wonderful scenery.

Linda O'Connell said...

I like to sit out in the evening as the sun goes down and listen to bird chatter and watch the sky change. It is then, that I breathe deeper and reach into my soul.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: the sun, the sound of birds, my house and good weather provides me peace. I like simple pleasures. I like your pics. Keep in touch

Valerie said...

What beautiful photos! You write so beautifully too, I can just feel the peace you write about. Happy Sunday, Valerie

Anonymous said...

I homeschooled my kids all the way through high school, and one of the constants in our curriculum was nature study. Every week, we had a nature day (usually about 3 hours, always including a picnic lunch). We went to one of our local parks or nature preserves, the zoo, or any number of other places. We would write poetry, take photos, or draw pictures of things that captured our attention. Even when my kids were in high school, I still did this. Although people used to tell me they thought my kids were too old for nature study, I responded by saying, "That we were never too old to enjoy God's creation."

Sitting quietly and enjoying the beauty of the world around me continues to top my list of favorite things. I continue to enjoy nature days on a regular basis.


Chatty Crone said...

I love all the beautiful photos - I love that tree. Gosh so many beautiful things our there for us to see.

I think one thing that relaxes me is music.

marianne said...

Lovely picture of the blue irises. Nice spot for relaxing.

I think anything in nature relaxes me and puts me in a contemplative and thankful state of mind. Living on the shores of a beautiful lake rimed by mountains has been a blessing indeed.

La Tea Dah said...

Such a lovely, lovely garden. I wish I had a full time gardener. I hate pulling weeds but I love plants and flowers!

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