Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Merci, Merci" for the French Treats!

While I've never traveled to Europe, (hope springs eternal), I love to hear about others' trips to countries there.

One of my sisters and her husband recently returned from France.

Imagine my excitement and joy when she gave me several gifts from there!

There is a miniature bag of goodies with string handles. 

It's filled with a wine bottle, a jar of jam with red and white checked cloth top held together with a tiny rubber band,a loaf of bread and a newspaper.  I'm going to use this for my dollhouse!

She also brought a wooden tray holding bananas, grapes, a lemon, a pear and other items which is perfect for my "future" miniature-sized farmers market.  My sister knows me well!

Also included is a bag of yummy square chocolates from Fauchon of Paris.

 There was a heart-shaped box, too, with a darling little winged angel on its lid.  It's shown at the top of this post. Doesn't the angel have the sweetest  face?
  A bar of lavender soap was quickly confiscated by hubs. 

A jar of exquisite-tasting lavender honey was also part of the gift!

I'm over "zee" moon with these delightful gifts from Paris!

Merci!  Merci!  Merci!



Nellie said...

Oh! I would love, love, love to travel to France! What wonderful gifts you've received!

Terri Tiffany said...

We spent two weeks in Paris back in 2000, It was my dream to go there as I had taken French since fifth grade, We loved the bread and cheese and all the beautiful sights.

Anonymous said...

How sweet of your sister and brother-in-law to think of you while on their trip and to bring you back a package of goodies. That lavender honey sounds especially intriguing to me. I would enjoy a spoonful in a cup of tea.

I have never been to Paris, or anywhere in Europe for that matter. But I sure would love to go there one day. Not sure it will ever happen, but it is on my "bucket list."

Have a great day,

Rebecca said...

Never been there - would love to go....I'd like to visit Italy, too....and Greece!

What fine, thoughtful gifts those miniatures are, Susan! The chocolate and lavender honey are very special, too.

Bookie said...

Nice to be remembered anytime...but from France!!! Yea!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What sweet gifts! Oh yes, my dream was to visit Paris and of course you know I did last year. It was amazing and something I will NEVER forget! I loved it all!

Gosia said...

It's high time to visit Europe. It is completely different fom US.

diane.stetson said...

Never been to France but I've been lots of other places in Europe. I'm considering a river cruise down the Seine which includes a stop in Paris so I might get there yet. How sweet of sis to get you miniatures for your dollhouses.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: France miniatures are very nice. I was in Paris and on the French Riviera several times. My honeymoon was in Monaco and Nice. A wonderful destination. You have to travel to Europe. I did not travel to America. Too far. Keep in touch

janice15 said...

I would love to travel as well to France Paris Italy, but unfortunately my panic won't let me.
such sweet things your sister brought you.. Happy Wednesday with Love Janice

Red Rose Alley said...

This post comes at perfect time because I just bought Nel some French chocolates this morning for her birthday. I hope they are good. The girls traveled to Paris and loved everything about it. These miniature goodies look so yummy, Susan. What a nice gift.


Chatty Crone said...

Your sister brought you so many wonderful items for your doll house!

And I have been to France years ago - twice. I loved all of it!

Anonymous said...

What a fun keepsake your sister shared. Love the minis. My adult nephew was once the candy buyer for Target and was fortunate to visit Paris many times "testing" candy. Can you believe he NEVER brought me any candy!!!!!
I am enjoying catching up with you this morning. We are slowly settling into our new home.

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