Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sad Remembrances

                                                       Photo of Honey Cat, the day before she died.

Three months ago today Honey Cat died.

There's not a day since that has gone by when she hasn't come into my mind.

Of course, since she "lives" in my heart, that's not all that surprising.

We had her for 17 sweet years so I cannot complain.

I hated when she was sick the past year of her life.

Still, I feel like she's still around. 

I often look for her and then realize she's not going to be found.

Habits die with difficulty. On the Fourth of July I planned to go outside,  look for her, and make her come into the house because the firecrackers would scare her.

After all, that's what I did for 17 July 4th holidays in a row.

This year, there was no Honey Cat to pick up and bring into the house.

I wonder if it will ever stop hurting. 

The little sweetheart took a piece of my heart when she died. 

Yes, a part of me died, too, when she took her last breath.

I miss her so much.



Nellie said...

Susan, hugs to you as you are still grieving the loss of Honey Cat. Time is a great "healer" in things like this. Our Shadow (21) has been gone a little over a year, and I still look for him at times!

Denise said...

Oh Susan what a touching post.Of course I know how You feel.We've had many pets pass away.We always seem to get another one within a few months or so, but We always reminiscence about the ones We have had.So sorry-Hugs Denise

diane.stetson said...

I had my cat for 18 years and she's been gone over six years now and every now and then I think I hear her meowing outside but it is just my imagination. Love the pictures you posted today..If you want you can always get another cat to have in your life you know..shelters are always looking for homes for their animals.

Bookie said...

Susan, there will always be a tender spot for Honey Cat but it will become easier. In time, you should consider a new pet...not to forget but to celebrate all life. After nearly ten years, I still would put my hand down by my chair only to feel emptiness. That is why when I saw Biscuit and knew if I did not take her she would die that I had to bring her home. She drives me nuts some but when I see her race across the yard...I see life!....I remember all my dogs when I see her stretch her legs and hit the ground. Pain eases....

Stephanie said...

Awww... Honeycat is darling, dear Susan. I am sorry for your loss, but like you said, she still lives on in your heart.

We had a very special cat named Rosie Girl and she passed away a year ago. She was only a year and a half and was killed by a coyote - it broke our hearts.

Thinking of you and wishing you a blessed afternoon!

Journeyin' Lady... said...

I know exactly how you feel. Several years ago I lost my Kiki at age 17-1/2. It was definitely her time to go but still SO hard!

marianne said...

There is no easy way to grieve for the loss of a pet or a person. You cannot get around it but have to go through it, unfortunately.

As time goes by, the pain does lessen. Trying to think of all the love our pets gave to us and all the fun we had with them always helped me. We all must pass from this life and being grateful for the happy, good times does help.

Hugs to you during you continuing sadness on the loss of Honey Cat.

Rebecca said...

Honey Cat was a beautiful cat....Since I've never had a long-term cat, I can only imagine the way you're feeling, Susan.

Do you plan to get another one - or would it be too hard?

Deborah Montgomery said...

What a beautiful kitty she was! I'm so sorry for your loss. Our pets are so special to us, and it's hard to lose them. Blessings to you Susan.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't think you will ever get over Honey's death - but it may change from feeling quite so painful.

I do have to say she really had lost a lot of weight there in her last shot - she must not have been feeling well.

She was a BEAUTIFUL cat. Gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I know how you miss her. She was so sweet. I have 6 rescue cats and my late mom's 13 yr old dachshund. It is never easy to say goodbye to a loyal pet. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

we can get very attouched to pets..we had 2 little puppies..but had to give them to someone...because of my chronich asma...but i loved dogs...i missed them too

Linda @ A La Carte said...

My dear Susan, I know how much you miss Honey Cat and I only hope time will make it easier but as you know she will always live in your heart!
I dread the day my Charlie goes but for now I am enjoying my time with him.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Susan, sweet dear friend,
I am so sorry to read about
the loss of your dear cat, Honeycat. She is beautiful!
I can understand how you feel.
I lost many of my dear family cats in my lifetime...
Frank, my eldest cat, crossed to the Rainbow Bridge at the age of almost 18 years old. I still love & miss him so much! He'll always be in my heart of hearts and daily thoughts as long as I live...
Your Honeycat was gorgeous!
She looked thin in her last pic.
Perhaps, she must have felt sick back then. Thank you, Susan for sharing your world with us!
You are a super friend, sweetheart. I give you my shoulder, if you feel like crying, and my listening ears, if you feel like talking to a friend...
Your Honeycat, your best friend is watching you from up above in Heaven. I feel your broken heart just by reading your words...
She will always love you, Susan!
Blessings & Prayers,
Poet Starry Dawn, a cat lover.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,
I'm sorry about your loss, loosing a pet is not always easy we get so attached. We had a cat when I was little, she was black and always laid in my bed all curled up.
Enjoy your day!

Barbara Neubeck said...

Sad,sad,sad for you Susan...
Honey Cat was so beautiful...
I'll be thinking of you...
Hugs and Blessings..
Barb xx

Valerie said...

Dear Susan,
Thinking of you. Sending a hug.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cat!

Tammy said...

It's never easy and I don't think we ever forget. That's an incredibly long time to have a pet as a part of your life. They are family.

Tasarwen said...

*big hug* I am so sorry, my dear. No, you never forget having such a close friend. However, the pain of loss does become less with the passing of time. Then those wonderful memories become more dear. I do believe the Lord has a special place for our beloved friends and we will see them again.

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