Monday, September 8, 2014

Celestial Seasonings Tea Company Tour

Tea-lovers everywhere would swoon over a tour of the Celestial Seasonings Tea Company in Boulder, Colorado.

On a recent trip to that beautiful state, a tour of the tea company was a “must” on our extensive “to do” list.

Before the tour began with a 10 minute film, visitors received a package of the company president’s favorite tea,  Honey Vanilla Chamomile, and a small ceramic sipping cup.

Below is a photo of a dress and shoes made entirely of tea bags!

Then everyone got to sample numerous kinds of tea.

The tour took visitors through the factory and everyone had to wear hairnets!

We saw how loose tea was stored in huge bags, placed into teabags and boxed.

There was an entire room just for the "minted" teas since the scent was so strong.  I thought they smelled great!

The final treat was a stop through the well stoked and reasonably price gift shop.




diane.stetson said...

Yes I have several of them right on my shelf right now. I love them. I would have loved to have gone on that tour. I am a tea lover.

agatek said...

Something for me! I am a lover of tea.
Your blog has a lot of positive energy and therefore I visit it every day :) I wish you a nice day!

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I like tea. It is always very healthy. A very enjoyable visit. The dress performed with tea bags is very original. Keep in touch

SImple and Serene Living said...

Oh, how fun. I love tea so this sounds like a great place to visit. Have a wonderful day, my sweet friend. xo Laura

Bookie said...

I know this tea wel. I would love to visit the plant!

Nellie said...

We are real tea lovers here! This would definitely be a "must see" for us!

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I want to like Tea-but about as far as I get is Iced Tea!
One year I sort of got into peppermint tea, but I pretty much stick with my coffee routine each and every morning.
This is a nifty place to visit!

Stephanie said...

I live only a few hours away from Boulder and have never been to the Celestial Tea Company - isn't that sad! You have inspired me to visit soon :)

Have a lovely week!

Chatty Crone said...

You won't believe this went to lunch with hubs and had their blueberry ice tea today!

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