Friday, March 27, 2015

Staying on the Bright Side

As anyone who is alive knows, life can be so hard sometimes.

Hearing sad news,  experiencing deep disappointment, hearing bad news from the doctor, seeing our children unhappy and so forth weigh heavily on our hearts.

Granted, we cannot be upbeat 100 % of the time.  There are days when we just feel bummed but there's always tomorrow.

We have no control over others or over situations.

However, it's possible to keep a positive outlook, even when things are less than rosy.
  We all know that the bad times don't last forever. (They might seem like it while we are going through them but they don't.)

One way I try to remain optimistic is to make our home a place of love and peace as much as possible by sharing meals and baked goods with others.

Also,  decorating for every holiday, using objects that lighten hearts, lightens my own!

 Easter, of course, is no exception. It's a holiday that gives reason to be very optimistic!

As we wait for Easter Sunday, we have plenty of company!

There are so many bunnies around here now that it makes one wonder if the stuffed versions multiply like their "living" cousins!



Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Counting blessings helps me ...
Thank you Susan.

diane.stetson said...

Counting my blessings and singing in the church choir keeps me going and remembering that a higher power is in control over everything!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

It can be so hard when things seem overwhelming! I try to look at the bright side of things but there are times even that is hard to find. Hang in there and as always prayer helps!

Linda O'Connell said...

Your posts are always so colorful and inspirational, Susan.

Chatty Crone said...

Love your bunnies.
Well I think when I have serious problems I need to talk them out and then they kind of go away.
The other thing I do is keep a journal and write five things I am grateful for every day!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Walking helps me sort through many things. Funny thing is, the longer the walk, the less I think. It's like meditating -- releasing all the bad, breathing in all the good. Warm wishes and blessings, Tammy

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hello Susan ..... I like all your Easter decorations... never too many sweet Bunnies. I love your pink table runner... it's beautiful. Your Grand Daughter sounds like a real little cutie..
Hugs.... barb xxx

Nellie said...

When we focus on finding ways to help others, we seem to stay on an optimistic track.

We've lots of those "stuffed versions," too.:-)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

All of those sweet bunnies are adorable and make your home so pleasant and happy :)

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