Saturday, April 4, 2015

Getting Ready for Easter

     (This happy sweetheart, made by my sister, Barb, adorns the front door. Isn't she adorable?)

This is it, the day before Easter!

Our Savior reigns and has risen from the dead! It's a glorious time, filled with hope and promise.

The Easter basket for a little one  and other gifties are ready and so are our hearts. 

 We are ready to honor our Lord!

In childhood, I remember my maternal grandmother kneading babka (Polish bread) at her kitchen table, flour up to her elbows.  Oh boy, she made fabulous babka.

As an Easter tradition that is still very much alive, I make it, too.  

You are supposed to use currants but since I didn't buy them, raisins were substituted.

It's a day-long process to make the babka.

Here's the dough, ready to be mixed!

Breads at the first rising:

Second rising:

Third rising:

In the oven at last!

Yum yum yum.

 See the missing pieces?  Hubs and I had them toasted for breakfast as we just couldn't wait until Easter morning.



diane.stetson said...

I'm making Easter Ham which I always serve if I'm in charge of the dinner. With little boys eating here I'm having some of their favorite things, corn, peas, mashed potatoes, a veggie tray and some other green things...and for dessert Chocolate Cream Pie....I remember Grandma's Babka.

Chatty Crone said...

That looks very good Susan and I would have a slice too!

We usually make ham.

Have a blessed Easter.

Kamyria said...

Oh wow, Susan you made babka! I remember my grandma's babka too... who can forget.

I was born and raised in Poland. I have a Polish cookbook and I'm trying to revive some of the polish recipes I know from my childhood. Everybody here loves my polish buttermilk pancakes and crepes.. My kids say they are different from the common pancakes here in North America... You can bet they are!

One day I'll make babka too... and szarlotka and Polish cheesecake :)

primrosesattic said...

Susan this looks so good. We do not make anything special.

Bookie said...

Sure some beautiful bread! I would love to taste it! Happy Easter weekend, Susan.

Kit said...

Oh yummy! That bread looks so good. I can understand you not wanting to wait. :) We always have "picnicky" sides to roast turkey or chicken, noodle salad, jello mold, deviled eggs and a relish tray. Happy Easter! Kit

marianne said...

Susan, your babka looks wonderful! I bet that first toasted bite was heavenly. You deserved it after all the work you put in to make it. I do remember our Grandmother making the Polish babka for Easter. It was so delicious.

I always make an Easter ham and my husband's family always served it with raisin sauce. I learned to make it from my mother in law. We always look forward to having it on Easter Sunday with our ham. I guess you could say it's a tradition around here. A very tasty one.

Happy Easter to you!

agatek said...

Happy Easter :)

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