Monday, June 1, 2015

Eleanor Roosevelt's Val-Kill

If having been given the opportunity to visit with Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of  the late President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, I'm pretty sure  I would have liked her on the spot.

She was not at all pretentious.

She had a sad childhood but didn't let it stop her from having a full and thoroughly fascinating life and serving others.

She had six children, the first of whom tragically died at age eight months.  

When her husband ran for President, he didn't tell her about it ahead of time. She just surmised  he was going to run. Says  something about wives in that era. 

She became very important in the Democratic Party, however, and was the longest serving First Lady on record.

In preparation for a trip to tour her cottage in Hyde Park, N.Y., I started reading her autobiography.

It's a big book and I haven't finished it yet but definitely will. It's a good read.

Loved touring Val-Kill, the name of the cottage, in Hyde Park, N.Y.

Photos in this post are from that visit last week.

This week there will be another post on the Hyde Park visit so, if interested, stay tuned.



diane.stetson said...

I've read that book and have seen a great Ken Burns series on the Roosevelt family on PBS...fascinating...I've been to Hyde Park too. I love to tour anything historical and I love to read books about famous and influential people like Eleanor.

Carolyn said...

I think she would have been a very interesting lady to meet too.

It looks like a pretty place to visit.

Merlesworld said...

You have taught me more than I knew.

SImple and Serene Living said...

I have not read the book, but she sounds like someone I would love to know. xo Laura

Chatty Crone said...

This is EXTREMELY interesting!

I have a quote on my desk as we speak - "You must do the very thing you think you cannot do".

Karen Lange said...

She is one fascinating woman! I did research on her several years ago for a teen writing lesson. I admire her courage and stamina. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures and info. Have a wonderful week!

Barbara Neubeck said...

.. She does sound like a remarkable woman. I have read bits and pieces about her over the years.
I love the photos of the grounds that you've posted... beautiful xxx
Hugs... Barb xxxx

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: she was a great woman. At that time behind a great man there was a great woman.We keep in touch

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