Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Beauty of Roses

For many years of their marriage, my sister's husband always bought her purple roses for special occasions.

Sadly, a few years ago, that  kind, loving and wonderful man died way too young from pancreatic cancer.

My sister's birthday falls on the Fourth of July. One of my presents to her this year were roses in a pretty white tea pot, found in T.J. Maxx. 

I loved it because it even had ceramic roses all around the top.


After a bit of a search, I located purple roses to put into it. 

They were inserted  into one of those spongy things, made just for flower arrangements.

She was happy with her favorite purple flowers in a teapot.



Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, this tea pot with white roses is so pretty, and TJ Maxx is one of my favorites. Purple roses! - those are hard to find. What a lovely gift for your sister, especially when her husband used to give her purple roses too.

Have a blessed week.


diane.stetson said...

Oh I bet Barbie loved those purple roses. She also likes purple Iris flowers too...great gift!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Susan, you are so thoughtful! I'm sure your sister loved the roses and teapot. I like to find something I know someone will love when I give a gift. Something personal!

Chatty Crone said...

You are so thoughtful, I was wondering when I read this if I had ever seen purple roses before - so you even had to hunt for them. They were beautiful!!!

Bookie said...

What an eye feast those purple roses are in that tea pot. Pot is gorgeous but purple sets it off. Never saw purple roses. Thanks a bunch for your remarks on my blog tonight. So, so much sadness in the world, my immediate world and the big wild world. Is this age that I notice more? Or is it worse? Your tea pot with purple is the type of thing we should focus on when we can!


What a sweet gesture. So thoughtful. They are gorgeous.

Nellie said...

What a special gift to give your sister! I love shopping at TJ Maxx!

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