Thursday, October 22, 2015

Searching for Old-Fashioned Halloween Song Lyrics

                                                                 (Jack-o-lanterns around the house.)

In the first grade, the teacher taught us a song at Halloween.

Here are the words to the first two lines:

       Witches and goblins and jack-o-lanterns bright
        Fly through the air on a cold October night. 

Many, many decades of life have zipped past since that time but those two lines of the scary lyrics remain in my psyche.

Can you imagine that?

I've never been able to find the rest of the song via the Internet and I'm not in touch with any members of my first grade class. 

If anyone out there in blogland, by some miracle, knows the song,  please let me in on the the rest of the verses, will you?   



Chatty Crone said...

Your post and that cute little pumpkin came up first - made me smile.

I don't remember much from 1st. grade. lol

Witches and Goblins and Jack-o-lanterns bright,
Creep through the town on a cold October night!
You hear the sounds of running feet but nothing can be seen,
And the strangest things can happen on a cold Halloween!

Out in the street, merry children run about.
Masks on their faces, they go with noisy shout.
They rap at every window pane where people may be seen,
and the strangest things can happen on a wild Halloween!

Sandi said...

The only Halloween song I know is, "He did the mash. The monster mash!"

Maybe your teacher made the song up?

diane.stetson said...

Chatty Crone got it perfectly Susan. I remember that song too. I have an entire book of Halloween songs...just love songs in the minor!

Merlesworld said...

Sometimes I get flashbacks some good some not so good.

Nellie said...

I DO remember a few things from first grade! And - it has been a long time ago that I was in first grade!:-)

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very cute Jack O'Lanterns on display at your house! I don't recognise the rhyme.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I remember I had chicken pox in the first grade. :)

Anonymous said...

I learned the same song in 1st grade. I record it every year and send it to my daughters living in San Diego. They love it. As a matter of fact, my younger daughter just called a few minutes ago and asked me when I would be sending. . . love it! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

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Unknown said...

I remember that song ,we learned that in the 2nd grade and in a public school to .

Unknown said...

How many of us still remember that song from 1st grade!
I know sing it to my granddaughter...

Jennifer said...

I’m looking for a kids Halloween song that I heard at a festival. It was something like “2 little goblins walking down the street , walking down the street , then 3 little skeletons jumping down the road , jumping down the road,, ... this is Halloween

Unknown said...

We sang this song in Olyphant, PA, in the 1950s. Taught by the IHM nuns at St Patrick School, Olyphant.

Unknown said...

Love love this find. I was taught this song as a child probably in early school years the 50's i am 70. I have sung it to many children mine & others latest are our Grandkids. I must admitted I only remembered the first verse but that might have been all I was taught. So much fun! Original song was in 1930's called Halloween. Duluth, Mn.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED singing that song…thanks for sharing the middle verse which I could not remember! The melody always runs through my head this time of year and it always irked me that I could not remember the balance of the words:)

Anonymous said...

I remember learning that song at Elementary School PS 82 in Queens NYC..And also El Senor Don Cato.😁

Anonymous said...

The song is called, “On a Wild Halloween” by Grant Raymond Barrett. His version is fast paced, my grandma sings it as a slow version. Would love to find a recording of the original!

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