Saturday, April 30, 2016

In the Company of Angels

On this newest day of life, we can be assured that we are in the company of angels.

They protect us here on earth as well as accompany our loved ones to the other realm of life.

It is always heartbreaking to lose, through death,  someone we love.

At such times, it may feel like our hearts are breaking.

The sorrow we feel is really a reflection of how much we are going to miss the person we love. 

We can be rest assured, however,  one day we will meet that loved one again in a far more beautiful and peaceful place.

For all those who temporarily "lost" a loved one today, know that the angels are around you.

They will give you strength and the deep peace of God as well as of His heavenly hosts.  



Chatty Crone said...

You know even Billy Graham believes there are angels. I know sometimes I am saved from being hit by a car - or something like that - and I know someone was watching out for me. I call them God winks. A call from a friend. A card. Friends. Things like that. Love, angels too.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, there used to be a shop here in my town, and it was an angel shop. It closed down, and I really miss it. I wish I could have taken you inside. When you walk in the door, sweet angels adorn the shop and it was such a wonderful place. It is now a florist, but I will always remember that sweet angel shop. Thank you for the gentle reminder that we are in the company of angels here on earth. :)

love, ~Sheri

Linda O'Connell said...

Yesterday was the anniversary of my mom's passing. This was a timely post for me, Susan.

diane.stetson said...

the angels were with my son on the highway Friday when his car spun through three lanes of traffic and he landed safely. I do believe in angels and I do believe we will see our loved ones on the other side. Have a peaceful Sunday Susan!

Laura said...

Thank you for this beautiful message today.
I needed it.

Red Rose Alley said...

Susan, my Birthday is May 15. It's always right near Mother's Day, that's why it's so fun to have them both in the same month. Thanks for asking, dear. :)


I firmly believe in the power of angels. I was sideswiped by an RV on the interstate this past week and lived to tell the tale. Angels were watching over me that day.

Barbara Neubeck said...

... I do believe in angels, Susan.... I believe they have been a real presence in my life..
Have a wonderful day.. hugs... Barb xxxx

Susan said...

A warm welcome to Sakamoto Ryouma of Japan, this blog's newest follower! Susan

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