Monday, April 18, 2016

Zap Negative Self-Talk

          (This is a happy face I made from a bowling ball. Great yard decoration that brings smiles!)

Since hearing how negative self-talk adversely affects us, throughout the years I have made a concerted effort to be cognizant of it.

Sadly, many women, particularly, are very critical when it comes to themselves.

We'd never "diss" another person as badly as we diss ourselves.

Our hair, our bodies, organization efforts, and so on all come under our laser beam scrutiny.  

Why?  Why are we so quick to criticize ourselves?

  Why not ditch negative self-talk all together?  

Tell yourself how smart, how intelligent, kind, loving and special you are!

It took many years of introspection, research and some therapy to work on negative self-talk issues.  

I sincerely hope never to return to putting myself down or letting others do it.  No way.  Life is too precious and way too fleeting.

                                                 (Remember this important message.)

Each morning, upon waking,  I give thanks to Almighty God for letting me have another day of precious life. 

He thinks I'm pretty special to give me such a a glorious gift so why would I think otherwise?



Lucy@heart and hearth said...

Thank you Susan, just what I needed to read..


A wonderful post to serve as a positive influence. A daily affirmation to encourage ourselves is important for sure.

Nellie said...

We seem to be our own worst critics, probably because we like to believe we know ourselves better than anyone else. We lose much valuable energy on negative attitudes. Such a shame! I attempt to focus on those things that I enjoy! That helps!

diane.stetson said...

Love your new boarder on top Susan and all the photos that are in this blog....great job!

Merlesworld said...

No I'm think I'm pretty great and tell myself often how lucky people are to know me they might not think so but that doesn't matter so much.

Rebecca said...

I admit it. I do.

Karen Lange said...

I do fall into a negative self talk pattern on occasion, but I am getting better. I am reading a book about self talk - I forget the title - but it addresses this very thing. It delves into the spiritual aspect as well, referencing scripture and how it applies to us along these lines. It's been an encouragement, as has this post! Have a great week! :)

Chatty Crone said...

And when someone else hurts us - we take it so personal when it could be the problem of the person who said it. We take it so close to our hearts. Even tho we might know better. I know I do. We have to learn to love ourselves.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Loved this, Susan. Very important subject.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I've never compared myself to anyone else or thought I'm lacking in any way. I do try to be positive as much as I can. Life is so hard for so many, how can we not be thankful for what we have?

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I need to have in my life to positive people. I am pessimistic but I try to find the positive and happy things. I liked reading your reflection. Great pics. Keep in touch

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