Monday, May 23, 2016

Luscious Lilacs Are Back

Ahhhhh, lilacs.

They are definitely among the most regal of flowers.

Someone described them as having heaven's perfume and that is most apt.

Truly, I can stick my entire nose into their delicate lavender blossoms and feel quite enthralled.

In one house of long ago, during the years when our kids were small, I'd send them out to gather huge bouquets of lilacs from an empty house near our own.

Then, I'd place the lovely lilacs in vases in just about every room in our home. 

The blooms don't last long but the fragrance while they survive really is like "heaven's perfume."

Right now, there is a bouquet of lilacs on a kitchen counter. 

 My daughter cut them for me from bushes in her yard.

For the "vase," I chose an old Mason jar with a turquoise tinge to it.

 (The stargazer lilies still take center stage on the kitchen table, adding even more fragrance to the air!)

Flowers are among spring's most cherished gifts.



diane.stetson said...

I do not have lilacs where I live. They need a cooler climate. I wish I did. I love them and remember them from my childhood. I love the color and the smell of them. Enjoy!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Definitely no lilacs here. I'm glad you didn't let those blooms from long ago go to waste at an empty house. They are definitely meant to be enjoyed.

Sandi said...

So lovely!!

I grew up in Michigan, right on the shore of Lake Huron. We had them in our yard. When I was young I think I found them a little overpowering, but now they remind me of home. (There's probably a life lesson in that!)

I do not know the flower's background, but you've made me curious...


Terra said...

Heaven's perfume. Lovely. I think there are varieties developed for warmer areas now, like where we live in California. I need to investigate that. Growing up in Wisconsin we had a dark purple, a white and a classic lilac in our yard.

Victorian1885 said...

Hello Susan...your lilacs look amazing in the blue sealer! I too love the smell of these beauties...
Have a great week!

Nellie said...

I love lilacs and have a couple of small bushes. Our blooms have come and gone. xo Nellie

marianne said...

Lilacs certainly do have a "heavenly scent", don't they? I have 4 varieties that grow in my yard and they are so fragrant, especially when the breezes blow.

There are 4 bouquets in the house now, but as you said, they don't last very long as a cut flower. I did read that there was a later blooming variety. That may be something to look into.

Enjoy these beautiful and fragrant lilac days of May!

Betty said...

Ahhhh...I have childhood memories of lilacs. My sister was highly allergic to them. When the neighbor's lilacs bloomed her eyes would swell shut, her nose would run, and she'd be miserable. Being the evil little sister I would pick lilacs in the neighbor's yard and bring them home to my mother. I knew exactly what I was doing. I'm pretty sure my sister has forgiven me by now. We don't have lilacs here. I guess it's too hot for them.

Chatty Crone said...

Not only are the beautiful, but they smell Heavenly!!!!!!!!!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

The fragrance of lilacs is amazing. Your bouquets are lovely!

Barbara Neubeck said...

.... I love your lilacs Susan..... I think they are a beautiful flower..
unfortunately I'm allergic to the perfume so I don't have them growing or in my house...
Have a wonderful, heavenly fragrant day... hugs... Barb xxx

Red Rose Alley said...

Your lilacs are dreamy, Susan. I don't have any neighbors with lilacs in their yards, so don't see them that often. I'd love to have a whiff of a lilac right now. :)


Lady Linda said...

I adore lilacs Susan! Our's here in Oregon were so very early this year...blooming in March. They have been gone for quite some time now, so I enjoyed seeing your's. I can just smell them. I love their heavenly scent. Have a great week.

Linda O'Connell said...

Heaven's perfume is the perfect description. My very favorite floral fragrance!


The smell of lilacs is indeed heavenly. LOVE them.

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